
Domestic Single-Piece and Bulk Mail Services

Following a formal request by MaltaPost to review the Domestic Single-Piece and Bulk Mail tariffs, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) reviewed this proposal and issued a Consultation document

Published On 29/05/2019 Postal

Review of GO plc's application for funding of the net cost claimed to have been incurred to provide universal service obligations during 2015

In accordance with national law, the designated undertaking providing universal services has the right to seek to receive funds for the net costs it believes to have incurred to provide part or all

Published On 17/04/2019 Closed On 17/04/2019 Electronic Communications

Postal Article Forwarding Services (PAFS)

Published On 07/02/2019 Postal

A Regulatory Assessment of GO Plc’s zero-rating offers GO TV Anywhere, GO TV Anywhere Lite and GO Music Wild Card

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has conducted an investigation of GO’s zero-rated offers, namely the “GO Music WildCard”, “GO TVAnywhere” and “GO TVAnywhere Lite” in view of Regulation (EU

Published On 28/12/2018 Electronic Communications

The provision of call termination on individual public telephone networks at a fixed location

The MCA notified the current decision to the EU Commission prior to today’s publication.

Published On 19/12/2018 Electronic Communications

Wholesale voice call termination on individual mobile networks in Malta

The Malta Communications Authority (‘MCA’) is hereby publishing the final decision document concerning the wholesale markets for the provision of voice call termination services on individual mobil

Published On 19/12/2018 Electronic Communications

Registered Mail - MaltaPost plc change in tariffs Decision

Following a formal request by MaltaPost to review the Registered Mail tariffs, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) reviewed this proposal and issued a Consultation document on the proposed way fo

Published On 10/12/2018

Decision on Postal Collection Times

Following a formal request by MaltaPost to review the established letterbox collection times, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) reviewed this proposal and issued a Consultation document on t

Published On 04/12/2018 Closed On 04/12/2018 Electronic Communications

Corrigendum to MCA Decision No. MCA/D/17-2971

The MCA is hereby publishing a corrigendum to MCA Decision No. MCA/D/17-2971 of 9 October 2017 on the assignment process for additional spectrum for wireless broadband.

Published On 24/09/2018 Electronic Communications

National Roadmap for the UHF band between 470 - 790 MHz

In line with Decision (EU) 2017/899, the MCA is publishing the 

Published On 28/06/2018 Electronic Communications

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