MCA Decision on the market definition, assessment of competition and regulation of call termination on individual public telephone networks in Malta

The MCA is today publishing its final decision on the market definition, assessment of competition and regulation of call termination provided on individual public telephone networks in Malta. 
This decision follows a national public consultation exercise carried out between the 4th of December 2013 and the 17th of January 2014.
Submissions to national consultation were received from GO plc., Vodafone Malta Ltd. and the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (‘the MCCAA’). These submissions together with the respective MCA reactions are integrated into this document in earmarked sections.
In line with the requirements set out in Article 7(3) of the Framework Directive, the MCA notified its response to consultation and draft decisions to the EU Commission and the body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).
The respective EU Commission no comments letter is being published together with this decision.


MCA Reference: MCA/D/14-1843
Consultation: MCA/C/13-1725

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