Spectrum Planning
Spectrum planning is the process of establishing the spectrum management goals for the future. This process is a key enabler for the necessary frameworks within which spectrum is made available for the constantly evolving radio spectrum needs.
In an environment where the rate of technology change is increasing, the challenge for spectrum managers is to draw adaptive spectrum management frameworks that facilitate changes in spectrum use. Meeting this challenge requires careful planning about the myriad possibilities of spectrum use.
Spectrum management is about efficient use of scare resources and allocation of new and existing spectrum to highest societal benefit. It is also about global or regional coordination and harmonisation of spectrum usage to decrease cost of technology by increasing economies of scale hereby maximising the affordability for all users.
National Frequency Plan
The national plan of frequency allocations, also known as the National Frequency Plan (NFP) outlines the radio spectrum allocations within the Maltese territory by designating the type of radiocommunication services that are permissible within a particular band. It covers the frequency range between 8.3 kilohertz (kHz) and 3000 gigahertz (GHz), is based on the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and takes utmost account of the European frequency allocation table as published by the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) within the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) in ERC Report 025.
The NFP also serves to implement European laws harmonising the use of radio spectrum within the European Union, as well as other instruments adopted by the ITU and CEPT.
In accordance with the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act (Cap. 399), the MCA is responsible for the drawing up, adoption and publication of the NFP. The NFP is revised regularly as deemed necessary and for certain revisions, the MCA is required to consult the Minister responsible for communications.
The latest edition of the frequency allocation plan for Malta - National Frequency Plan can be found here.
National Spectrum Management Policy
The current Radio Spectrum Management Policy (2007) effectively addresses the demand for spectrum and technology advancements at the time it was published. Since then, however, the users' needs and expectations have changed as have the plethora of technologies and services available.
The MCA felt the need to review and update its Radio Spectrum Management Policy in order to better mirror the present drive in technology requirements and the new yearn in market demand. The MCA is currently consulting on a five year Radio Spectrum Policy Programme. The proposed Radio Spectrum Policy Programme is a key part of the Malta Communications Authority’s strategy of consultation and constructive dialogue with public stakeholders, industry, consumers and citizens alike. Our approach to spectrum management continues to be shaped by our ongoing experiences, research, observations and evaluation of the spectrum management environment both in Malta, Europe and across the globe. This enables the MCA to develop innovative management methodologies deemed most appropriate for the unique local market and industries while ensuring that the regulatory tools are efficient and appropriate in the face of ever-increasing demand for access to spectrum.
Further details about the proposed five year Radio Spectrum Policy Programme can be found in here.
International Spectrum Planning
Radio spectrum knows no geographical boundaries. However, technologies and electronic communications markets develop in different ways, in different countries. Spectrum planning at an international level is essential in order to ensure maximum harmonisation benefits as well as to ensure the availability of useable spectrum. The MCA actively participates in such International Fora.
World Radiocommunication Conference
The ITU organises World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) every three to four years. The WRC is the highest international body regulating the use of the radio spectrum. In accordance with the ITU Constitution, a WRC can, amongst other things, revise the Radio Regulations and any associated frequency assignment and allotment Plans and address any radiocommunication matter of a worldwide character.
Further details on the World Radiocommunication Conferences can be found here.
European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT)
The basic aim of CEPT is to strengthen the relations between members, promote their cooperation and contribute to the creation of a dynamic market in the field of European posts and electronic communications. Its Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) develops and maintains various deliverables harmonising the efficient use of the radio spectrum, satellite orbits and numbering resources.
Further details on the CEPT/ECC can be found here.
European Union institutions on radio spectrum policy
Two key institutions contributing to the development of European spectrum policy are the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) and the Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC). The RSPG is a high-level advisory group assisting the Commission in the development of radio spectrum policy in the Union. The RSC is responsible for specific technical measures required to implement the broader radio spectrum policy, including the multiannual radio spectrum policy programme (RSPP).
Further details on the European spectrum policy documents can be found here.
Updated:- 26.04.2018