Consultation on proposed amendments to the general authorisation regime for radiocommunications apparatus

The General Authorisations (Radiocommunications Apparatus) Regulations (S.L. 399.40) is a light-licensing framework for radiocommunications apparatus that does not need to be licensed individually due to limited risks of causing harmful interference. Apparatus which shall be used without any regulatory barriers in accordance with EU law or deliverables adopted within the framework of the Electronic Communications Committee (‘ECC’) of the European Conference for Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (‘CEPT’) is generally regulated through this instrument.

The MCA examined the various spectrum management deliverables of the ECC which include provisions concerning the licensing of radiocommunications apparatus, and is proposing revisions to the apparatus general authorisation framework for the purpose of: a) aligning current provisions with those included in the most recent version of ECC deliverables; b) implementing new ECC deliverables and by doing so regulate new radio systems on a light-licensing framework; and c) achieving better harmonisation of the radio spectrum for certain radiocommunications apparatus which is currently allowed to operate on non-harmonised radio spectrum.

Through this consultation, the MCA is seeking to receive written comments and representations on these proposals. It should be underlined that due to recent changes to the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act (Cap. 399), the revised apparatus general authorisation framework will be in the form of an MCA Decision.

Closing On: Tuesday 30th November 2021
MCA Reference: MCA/C/21-4319
Decision: MCA/D-22-4662

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