The Assignment Process of Radio Spectrum in the sub-700MHz Band for Digital Terrestrial Television Services in Malta

In view of the expiry of the current Digital Terrestrial Television (DTTV) spectrum licence which is due in May 2021, the obligations on all EU memberstates resulting from Decisions of the European Commission, together with the goals identified in the National Roadmap for the UHF band between 470 – 790 (MHz (MCA/O/18-3256), the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is publishing its final Decision detailing the assignment process and the relevant license conditions concerning the twelve (12) available spectrum channels in the 470-694MHz band for the use of DTTV.

The publication of this Decision concludes a consultation process carried out between the 5th June and 17th July 2020. The Authority thanks GO Plc for the feedback provided in response to this process. This publication also includes the Authority's reply to the feedback received.

On the 7th of September 2020, the MCA published a revised version of the Decision.  Details of the corrections to the main document are as listed in this corrigendum

MCA Reference: MCA/D/20-3934
Consultation: MCA/C/20-3838

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