Information to be Included in Subscriber Contracts

The MCA’s consultation on ‘Information to be included in subscribers contracts’ officially closed on Friday 30th March 2012. 

The following is a list, in no particular order, of interested parties that have submitted feedback on this consultation. 
1. Local Councils Association
2. Vodafone (Malta) Ltd.
3. GO plc.
4. Melita plc.
5. Consumer Association

The Authority would like to thank interested parties for their contributions. The Authority will now review the feedback received and publish a final decision on the subject.  

One of the main sources of protection afforded to end-users in the telecoms sector is the contract which includes the terms and conditions for the use of the service. 

In this respect, the Authority has published a consultation which intends to address the following: 

Provisions that are legally required to be included in contracts related to electronic communications service/s and ensure that these are conveyed in a clear manner; 

  • The form of such contracts; 
  • The means by which the contracts should be made available to consumers; and 
  • Any necessary additional transparency rules related to contracts and terms and conditions, for example their availability on web-sites or from outlets etc.

Interested parties are invited to submit their feedback by no later than Friday, 30th March 2012.

View Consultation Document

Closing On: Friday 30th March 2012
MCA Reference: MCA/C/12-0745
Decision: MCA-D-3

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