Wholesale call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location in Malta

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is hereby presenting its final decision on the wholesale market for the provision of call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location in Malta, in accordance with the EU regulatory framework of electronic communications networks and services.
The MCA has carried out a national consultation exercise on its market review findings between the 13th of November 2015 and the 15th of December 2015. The MCA received four responses to consultation. These were submitted by the Malta Consumer and Competition Affairs Authority (MCCAA), GO plc. (GO), Vodafone Malta Ltd. (Vodafone) and Ozone Ltd. (Ozone). The decision includes the MCA reactions to consultation submissions.
Pursuant to Regulation 7 of the Electronic Communications Networks and Services Regulations (ECNSR), the MCA has also notified its draft decision on the 28th of January 2016. In its letter dated 25th February 2016, the Commission expressed agreement with the conclusions in the MCA’s draft decision and had no further comments to make. The relevant draft decision was registered by the Commission as Case MT/2016/1837.
This decision shows that the wholesale market for the provision of call origination supplied on the public telephone network at a fixed location in Malta is tending towards effective competition and that no service provider enjoys SMP in this market.
The MCA concludes that this market no longer warrants ex ante regulatory intervention and that the relevant regulatory obligations on GO shall therefore be withdrawn.
This withdrawal shall however be implemented without prejudice to any other general obligations at law or remedies emanating from any other MCA decision.
Click to download the EU Commission No Comment Letter
Click to download the MCA Final Decision 
MCA Reference: MCA/D/16-2530
Consultation: MCA/C/15-2432

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