Review of QoS Requirements and Targets for the Universal Postal Service

The MCA is consulting on the QoS targets to be achieved by MaltaPost for the universal postal service covering the period October 2013 - September 2016.  
The document also updates the information and reporting requirements with respect to performance monitoring and complaints handling.
The consultation will run from the 10th September 2013 to the 8th October 2013 during which time the MCA welcomes written comments on any of the issues raised in the paper.
UPDATE: Extension to deadline for submission of feedback.
Following a request received from an interested party, the MCA has today granted an extension to the deadline for the submission of responses to its current consultation entitled ‘Review of Quality of Service Requirements and Targets to be Achieved by MaltaPost for the Universal Service’ to Thursday 31st October 2013.


Closing On: Thursday 31st October 2013
MCA Reference: MCA/C/13-1691

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