A Quality of Service Framework for Mobile Electronic Communication Services – Public Consultation

Mobile services play a crucial role in the functioning of modern society. In the absence of simple and clear information of an existing mobile products and services, qualitative judgement are limited to own or peer perceived experiences.

Quantification and measurement are important when comparing electronic communication service offerings objectively. No single number can represent the complete picture of the quality of the electronic communications services being offered. Rather, specific variables or attributes are measured as indicative of the overall performance attained by the end user. The selection of the variables measured are usually attributed towards their relevance to the user experience or the simplicity in implementing the measurement mechanism. However, this does not mean that end users, regulators and the service providers themselves evaluate and present QoS parameters similarly. A common approach, with mutual metrics and measurements methods are necessary.

The MCA has drafted a framework on the measured Quality of Service for Mobile Electronic Communication Services. This framework explores different approaches, metrics and measurement methodologies which are deemed necessary for a fair representation and interpretation of the quality parameters as advertised for mobile electronic communication services. The scheme of the framework also permits the revision and introduction of new quality parameters so as to align itself with the demands of next generation networks such as 5G. The MCA is consulting on the proposals listed in the aforementioned framework for the opinion of the involved stakeholders. The Authority welcomes written comments and representations from interested parties and stakeholders during the consultation process. Details on how to submit responses can be found in the consultation document.

The consultation period will run from the 27th July 2018 till the 7th September 2018 COB.

Note that the consultation period has been extended till noon of the 21h September 2018.

Closing On: Friday 7th September 2018

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