GO's Reference Unbundling Offer: Sub-Loop Unbundling Related Aspects of the Reference Unbundling Offer

The MCA is publishing this decision notice on the Sub-loop unbundling (SLU) related aspects of GO’s reference unbundling offer.  

This document follows two public consultations published in April and July 2011 respectively and contains rules and obligations aimed at regulating GO’s Fibre-to-the-Cabinet network transition and its impact on the Company’s SLU wholesale offer.
This Decision Notice is structured in two parts.  Part 1 features the respondents’ feedback followed by the Authority’s response and its final decisions and views on the specific issues raised during the consultation phase.  Part 1 also includes the Commission’s comments following the notification process as stipulated under Article 7 and Article 7A of the Framework Directive. 
Part 2 follows with the final version of the migration rules and principles.
This document contains also a number of supporting Appendices to aid in the explanation of specific elements treated therein.
MCA Reference: MCA/D/11-0690
Consultation: MCA/C/11-0282
SLU decision 201211 (339.81 KB)

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