GO's Reference Unbundling Offer: MCA's Position and Further Consultation on the Review of Sub-Loop Unbundling related aspects of the Reference Unbundling Offer

The MCA has today published a document entitled ‘GO’s Reference Unbundling Offer: MCA’s Position and Further Consultation on the Review of Sub-Loop Unbundling related aspects of the Reference Unbundling Offer’.

In April, the MCA published a consultation document entitled ‘GO’s Reference Unbundling Offer: Consultation and Proposed Decision on the Review of Sub-Loop Unbundling related aspects of the Reference Unbundling Offer’ (MCA/C/11-0282).  After analysing the responses, the MCA concluded that whilst some elements of the original consultation could be concluded others needed to be further refined to take into account the feedback received. 

To this effect, the MCA is publishing another consultation document which is structured as follows.  Part 1 puts forward the final position of the MCA on certain issues raised in the consultation paper. Part 2, in turn consults on the MCA’s proposed refinements to certain aspects of the migration rules which are to be established so as to regulate GO’s Fibre-to-the-Cabinet deployment and hence manage the impact of this transition on the Company’s Sub-loop Unbundling offer. For ease of reference, Part 2 features the original text found in the previous consultation document with tracked changes reflecting the proposed changes emanating from the responses received.

Closing On: Tuesday 13th September 2011
MCA Reference: MCA-C-5
Decision: MCA-D-36

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