Extension of terrestrial 2 GHz spectrum rights of use and complementary work programme

In accordance with its work programme for 2022, the MCA has initiated the process towards formulating the framework for the reassignment of radio spectrum in the paired 2 GHz band. This process will serve to, amongst others, implement the latest amendments to the European Union framework for the harmonisation of the paired 2 GHz band, pursuant to Commission Implementing Decisions 2012/688/EU and (EU) 2020/667. In view of the upcoming expiry of the rights of use enjoyed by holders of radio spectrum in the paired and unpaired 2 GHz bands, the MCA is consulting on the adoption of interim measures of radio spectrum concerning the paired and unpaired 2 GHz bands.

This process is a priority for the MCA and it is desirable, in the immediate term, to give regulatory certainty to the respective right holders on the continued availability of these bands for terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in Malta. Additionally, apart from consulting on the extension of the licences and framework revisions, this consultation also seeks to further understand and anticipate future consultations on the related subject matters, hence fine tuning the MCA’s work programme for the next 3 years.

The MCA is seeking the views of interested stakeholders on the proposals put forward in this consultation paper. The Authority will take into consideration the submissions received and will subsequently publish a Decision on the subject.

Closing On: Monday 8th August 2022
MCA Reference: MCA/C/22-4646
Decision: MCA/D/22-4690

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