Decision on the review of GO plc's application for funding of the net cost claimed to have been incurred to provide universal service obligations during 2018.

In accordance with national law, an undertaking designated with the obligation to provide universal services has the right to request compensation for the net costs it considers to have incurred to provide part or all of the universal services. The MCA received a written request from GO plc, as the designated undertaking, claiming compensation for the net cost it considers to have incurred in providing universal services in the electronic communications sector during the financial year 2018. The MCA has commissioned Ernst & Young Limited (EY) as an independent body to review and verify the various calculations on the universal services provided. The claim also took into consideration intangible benefits which was deducted from the total net cost. In September 2023, the MCA published a consultation document on the review of GO plc’s application following the verification exercise carried out by EY which established that GO had incurred an element of unfair burden amounting to a net cost of €126,547. During the consultation period, the MCA received feedback from GO plc and Melita Ltd as detailed further in the Decision Notice.

MCA Reference: MCA/D/23-5114
Consultation: MCA/C/23-5062

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