World Consumer Day - MCA and MCCAA will collaborate on consumer online shopping training

More and more people are purchasing services and goods online, the National Statistics Office have indicated that the number of Maltese internet users who purchased online in 2017 reached 64.5%. 

This growth highlights the importance in informing consumers of matters that they should be aware of when purchasing online.  The importance to empower citizens is being highlighted by Consumers International, with the annual theme for this year’s World Consumer Rights Day being ‘Making the digital market places fairer’. 

Consumers may be faced with several questions and challenges when it comes to buying online.  Online scams and fraud are just a couple of examples which could inhibit the uptake of online shopping.  Whilst businesses need to do their part to gain consumers’ trust there are a few pro-active measures that consumers can take to prevent becoming a victim of such practices. 

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) plays an important role in supporting both the local businesses and consumers. A number of initiatives are held targeted for businesses to empower them to capitalise on online market opportunities.  

The MCA provides consumers with guidance and tips on how to purchase safely online. The MCA, in collaboration with the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA), will be providing training courses to interested consumers on this subject.  A call for application will be announced in the coming weeks.

The MCA is responsible for supervising the Maltese eCommerce sector and ensure compliance with the eCommerce Act whilst the MCCAA is the entity responsible for ensuring conformity with the Consumer Rights Regulations.

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