Webcheck for Local Councils

The increased use of modern ICT technologies and its various applications have been driving change across numerous organizations and Government entities. Not only has modern technology contributed to greater efficiency in the overall operational activity, it has also opened up new opportunities and has transformed the way organizations interact and engage with the public. By their very own nature, Local Councils have a higher level of engagement with members of the community. Having the right digital skill set to be active and present on a range of social media platforms will increase the level and quality of engagement.  

On this note, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA), in collaboration with the Department for Local Government (DLG), has launched #Webcheck (for Local councils), a project aimed at providing all LCs with the necessary tools, training and much needed official guidelines on the use of social media. The seminars being delivered as part of this project are in support of OPM circular NO21/2015 – Policy on the use of Social Media in the public Service. This policy aims to promote the benefits from the use of Social Media whilst outlining a set of principles as a guide for its appropriate use within the Public Service.

The Honourable Dr Mallia, Minister for  Competitiveness and Digital, Maritime and Services Economy emphasised the importance of the use of social media  within the public service as it makes the public service closer to the the general public. Especially today as the use of mobile technology is so widespread. ‘People today are online at the touch of a button, there are no boundaries of time or place. Organisations, whether private or public cannot afford to miss out on such an opportunity to keep up a constant level of engagement with their respective communities.’  

Malta’s ICT objectives are guided by the Europe 2020 strategy initiatives and the Digital Malta Strategy. Digital Malta reflects the Government’s vision to have Malta prosper as a digitally enabled nation in all sectors of society by 2020, especially when one considers that today technology is a key player for efficiency and for less bureaucracy.  

Press Release in Maltese


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