Test & Trial licensing regime put to the test!

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) yesterday granted a licence to Aeromobile AS of Norway to use radio frequency spectrum and related radiocommunications apparatus to carry out tests on innovative electronic communications products in Malta. These radio frequencies will be used to conduct, land-based, installation and certification testing on board aircrafts that are being equipped with wireless systems used to provide in-flight mobile communications services.  The aircraft on which the tests will take place will be housed in the facilities operated by SR Technics in Luqa. 

‘The MCA is pleased to note that the test and trial regime for spectrum based technologies and services is attracting such activities to Malta,’ said Ing. Philip Micallef, Executive Chairman of the Authority.  ‘Today, mobile services on board aircrafts have become a reality, with an increasing number of airlines offering such services.  In recent years, Malta has continued to strengthen its reputation as a regional hub of aircraft maintenance and it therefore comes as no surprise that the first test and trial licence was issued in this sector.  

International companies operating in such high value added sectors appreciate the unique opportunities Malta can offer and are choosing Malta as their preferred location to test new technologies.  This has a positive impact on the indigenous ancillary industries that support such tests and trials,’ he continued.

This test licence is the first licence of this kind issued by the Authority. The licensing regime facilitates access to spectrum for technologies and services that are still at the developmental stage by introducing an accelerated licensing procedure and attractive licence conditions and fees for test and trial spectrum.

Malta’s geographic location offers local and international companies a unique opportunity to test innovative technologies and service implementations on a national scale and at minimal costs, rendering this licensing model a very attractive proposition for companies developing wireless solutions.

Maltese version of this text is available through the document provided below.

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