Safer Internet Day 2014 - Creating a better Internet together

Today, the Insafe and INHOPE networks, represented in Malta through the BeSmartOnline! Consortium, are celebrating Safer Internet Day (SID).
An initiative of the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme, this day marks an annual opportunity to encourage the public to make the Internet a safer and better place for our children and young people. Since its first edition in 2004, interest in Safer Internet Day has grown tremendously to reach 6 of the world’s continents in more than 100 countries worldwide; including all 28 countries of the European Union. The theme of Safer Internet Day 2014 is “Let’s create a better internet together” and it is hoped that, once again, all stakeholders – be they children and young people, parents and carers, teachers and educators, or industry and politicians – will join together in marking the day and working together to build a better internet for all.
On this note, European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes, responsible for the Digital Agenda and for launching the strategy to make a better internet for children, recognises that everyone has a role to play “We need to move forward, together: child safety should be about collaboration, not competition. That’s the best way to ensure a better internet for kids.” She goes on to add: “I hope that, on Safer Internet Day and beyond, we can deliver this better internet for children: a place with fun, creative and educational online content; a place where they can be happy and where parents can feel comfortable for them to explore.”
The BeSmartOnline! Consortium, which brings together the Malta Communications Authority (MCA), Aġenzija Appoġġ, the Office of the Commissioner for Children and other key public and non-governmental organisations is celebrating this year’s Safer Internet Day by calling on the younger generations to be exemplary digital citizens. The consortium is inviting younger people to be kind and respectful to each other, whilst safeguarding their online reputation and seeking positive opportunities to create, engage and share content and experiences online.
To coincide with this day, the Consortium is launching information sessions for parents and other child carers. These information sessions will address the importance of the role such individuals have in making the Internet a better place for children. The sessions will help parents and carers understand the need to maintain an open and honest dialogue with children whilst also outlining ways how to deal with any concerns or issues they may encounter. The 90 minute sessions will be held at Local Councils around Malta and Gozo and will be free-of-charge.  Further information on these information sessions will be distributed through all schools, over the coming days.
About BeSmartOnline!
The BeSmartOnline! project concerts the efforts of national stakeholders working towards the safer use of the internet by children and youths. The initiative aims at raising awareness and educating minors, carers and educators on the safe use of the internet; establishing, operating and promoting reporting facilities for internet abuse; and supporting respective victims.

The project is managed by a Consortium made up of the Malta Communicatoins Authority, Aġenzija Apoġġ and The Office of the Commissioner for Children.

The project is supported by The Malta Police Force, the Directorate for Education Services, The University of Malta, The Independent Schools Association, Aġenzija Żgħażaġħ and the Secretariat for Catholic Education(Church Schools).
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About Insafe and INHOPE
Under the framework of the European Commission's Safer Internet Programme, Insafe and INHOPE work together to deliver a safer internet, promoting safe, responsible use of the internet and mobile devices to children, young people and their families, and working to identify and remove illegal content online.
Visit the Insafe or INHOPE websites (Insafe: and INHOPE: for further information.
About Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day is part of a global drive by awareness-raising partners to promote a safer and better internet for all users, especially young people. It is organised by Insafe and INHOPE in the framework of the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme. For further information, see
Link to Vice-President Kroes Safer Internet Day video message:


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