Regulatory matters concerning provision of postal services

The MCA would like to inform the general public on the following:

Post-1997 LM only Postage Stamps will no longer be valid for prepayment of postage

MCA would like to draw the attention of the public to Government Notice 1000 of 2007 whereby postage stamps with LM denomination will as from the 1st February 2008 no longer be valid for prepayment of postage stamps. Persons having such stamps in their possession may between the 1st February and the 31st March 2008 exchange such stamps for other valid postage stamps.

Notice of cessation of provision of postal services

Gozo Courier Service has written to the Malta Communications Authority informing the Authority that it will not be providing postal services and that it has ceased operations.

The Authority would like to remind the business community that those interested in providing postal services are in the first instance required to notify the Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Postal Services (General) Regulations. The provision of postal services without being duly authorised to do so is a breach of the law. 

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