Promotion of ICTs usage by SMEs as an enabler of Value Networks

Project Acronym: ICT-VN
Programme:  INTERREG IVC Programme co-funded by the European Regional Development     Fund (ERDF)
MCA Budget:  €170,900
National Co-financing: €25,635 (15%)
Duration:  36 Months (01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012)
The project objective is to create value for SMEs through value networks using ICT, which will translate into cost-cutting and other efficiencies, thereby resulting in a source of increased competitiveness.  ICT-VN focuses on the identification and exchange of good practices and policies with the aim of stimulating the development of Information Society among SMEs according to their regional policy focus. The consortium of the project is made up of 10 partners from 9 member states.  The Lead Partner is Dedalo Foundation for the information Society of Navarra Autonomous Region, Spain. Malta is being represented by the Malta Communications Authority (MCA). 


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