Press Conference held to launch a national consultation on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks

The Hon. Dr Josè Herrera, Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth has launched a national consultation on the transposition into national law, of an EU Directive, which is aimed at reducing the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks. This Directive is aimed at facilitating and incentivising the roll-out of such networks by reducing costs through the sharing of existing network infrastructures and increasing co-ordination, amongst several entities, in relation to this deployment.  The initiative is intended to lower barriers to roll-out, both in terms of cost, and physical deployment. 

The proliferation, on a national scale, of high-speed broadband networks is an objective of primary importance that is shared by the Maltese Government and the EU in equal measure. The EU Commission has set two ambitious broadband targets to be achieved by 2020, namely: 30 megabits per second (Mbps) broadband speeds available to 100% of households, and at least having 50% of these households subscribing to speeds over 100Mbps. 

Addressing a press conference this morning, the Hon. Dr Herrera stated that ‘Malta has already reached the 30Mbps objective, however more needs to be done in order to reach the 100Mbps uptake target.’  ‘Beyond the numbers, take-up of high speed broadband is felt to be a necessary target with a view to accelerating the development of society and of the economy. Facilitating the deployment of multiple Next Generation Access networks, will contribute towards its attainment by increasing choice and overall lowering sector costs,’ he continued. 

Whilst the envisaged measures being proposed as part of this consultation process serve to address a number of objectives outlined in the Government’s electoral mandate, the Hon. Dr Herrera highlighted that one of the measures is the setting of standards for in-building infrastructures. This is a ‘first’ for Malta that brings the installation of electronic communications within buildings in line with other utilities and services. New buildings, for which plans are submitted from 2017 onward, will be high-speed ready.

Click here for access to the consultation.

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