Outline Strategy for the regulation of NGA Networks - May 2011 (MCA/O/11-0306

The purpose of this document is to:

a) Outline the MCA's envisaged approach to regulating Next Generation Access Networks (NGANs).
b) Provide some definitional boundaries to the subject matter.
c) Identify the key tasks that the Authority will need to undertake in light of the roll-out of NGANs in Malta.

These activities are seen as targeting primarily the MCA's Strategic Objective T1, that is:

"Regulating an electronic communications environment that is capable of sustaining competition among existing providers whilst ensuring ease of entry to new undertakings. "

This document serves to provide further insight into the activities identified in the MCA's Annual Plan for 2011 in the context of NGA, and to highlight the linkages between them. Ultimately, the MCA's goal is that of facilitating the deployment of NGAN's in Malta within a framework of continued sector competition, consumer choice and value for money.

In essence this outline strategy addresses primarily the envisaged regulatory impact of NGANs as far as the MCA's remit is concerned. But beyond this narrower scope, it also dwells on the extent to which the MCA can facilitate the proliferation of NGANs via interaction with other institutional players which, by virtue of their remit may, in some way or another, impinge on the progress of implementation or on the access regime. Foremost among potential issues are those relating to rights of way and ducting, as well as wiring in buildings.

By way of clarification, this document deals with the MCA remit regarding NGAN development, as distinct from Government policy direction on the matter. This distinction is clarified further in the attached document. 

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