Notice by MaltaPost plc re: temporary relocation of San Gwann branch

This notice was issued by MaltaPost Plc.

MaltaPost p.l.c. would like to notify the general public that, its branch situated at 95, Triq in-Naxxar, San Gwann SGN 9031 will be relocated for refurbishing purposes, as from the 10 January 2011.

Postal Services will still be available from a temporary location situated within the San Gwann Hub in Triq tal-Mensija, San Gwann SGN 1603.

Any inconvenience is regretted.


MaltaPost p.l.c. tixtieq tavza lill-pubbliku li minħabba xoghol ta' rinnovar, il-fergha taghha li tinsab f' 95, Triq in-Naxxar, San Gwann SGN 9031 se tigi rilokata mill-10 ta' Jannar 2011.

Is-Servizzi postali ser jigu offruti minn fergha temporanja gewwa l-hub ta' San Gwann fi Triq tal-Mensija, San Gwann SGN 1603.

Niskuzaw ruhna ghal kull inkonvenjent. 

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