Notice: Assignment of radio spectrum for fixed radio links


The Malta Communications Authority (the ‘Authority’) notifies that it has received an application for the grant of rights of use of radio spectrum being made available for assignment by the Authority in connection with fixed radio links. Assignment of the said radio spectrum is being requested within the 10/11 GHz frequency bands. Further to this request the Authority intends to grant the rights of use of the following radio frequency channel: Channel 03 (28MHz bandwidth): 10.765-10.793 GHz / 11.295 - 11.323 GHz. If no submissions which in the opinion of the Authority raise valid objections at law in relation to this application are received by not later than 12:00hrs on 1 October 2019, the Authority may then in accordance with the powers granted to it by law, consider assigning the rights of use of the said frequencies directly to the applicant. Any such submissions are to be received in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority (attn. Mr. Adrian Galea, Senior Manager - Spectrum Planning & Authorisation,

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