MCA Publishes it’s Strategy Update 2018 – 2020 and Annual Plan 2018

The MCA Strategy Update 2018 - 2020 takes place against a backdrop of continued progress in sectors under the MCA’s purview.

The electronic communications sector has seen continued investment in the deployment of next generation high-speed fixed and mobile broadband networks, providing consumers with ongoing improvements in choice and value of services.

The review of the European Electronic Communications Code remains a major feature of this year’s activity and the MCA will be at the centre of things both insofar as the continued provision of policy advice to Government, as well as in the eventual transposition into Maltese Law.

Change on the postal front continues along the same lines evidenced in the past years, with ongoing declines in local letter mail volumes and increases in incoming international mail. Thanks mainly to eCommerce these declines have been largely offset by increases in incoming letter packets and parcels.

eCommerce continues to grow worldwide and Malta is no exception. What is particular in our case is that incoming eCommerce continues to  surpass outgoing eCommerce. Whilst the size of Malta serves to explain this situation in part, there is still scope for a more balanced situation to prevail with eCommerce inflows and outflows.

The promotion of the Information Society remains a major pillar in the MCA’s work programme. To further strengthen and validate its direction in this area the MCA will this year publish a focused Information Society Strategy.

On the innovation front, a series of initiatives launched over past years are taking root and should see their consolidation throughout this year. The reference here is mainly to promoting growth of digital business activity in Malta. There are also other areas in the context of innovation that are under development, such as the establishment of the 5G ‘path-to-deployment’.

Further information can be accessed at the MCA’s Strategy Update 2018 – 2020 and MCA’s Annual Plan 2018.

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