MCA initiative to fund research on topics related to telecoms and ICT

The pace of the telecommunications industry has long been driven by technological and regulatory developments, together with increasing demands by technology-hungry customers. Competitive pressure has led market players to innovate further in this sector. Research is the key to continued success as it leads to new knowledge on the market.  This intelligence is used for the development of new products and innovative services allowing market players and new entrants to sustain a competitive market to the benefit of the customers.

Acknowledging the importance of research in this thriving industry, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) has recently entered into an agreement with the University of Malta to collaborate on research initiatives undertaken in fields related to telecommunications. The aim is to stimulate research and obtain a deeper understanding on various facets of ICT in the local context or application, whilst encouraging more students and academics to specialize in these areas.

Commenting on this initiative, Ing Philip Micallef, Executive Chairman of the MCA said, ‘Over the past few years, Malta has managed to achieve a lot in the field of communications technologies.  Such achievements may only be sustained if we develop ourselves into specialists that are able to identify niches and maximise on opportunities.’
Under this agreement, the MCA will be funding research and other initiatives in any of the following fields:

• ICT development and engineering: such as spectrum management and ICT solution development;
• Law and policy including regulation, internet governance and eCommerce law;
• Business and management that covers eCommerce, project management and related business models; and
• Social sciences that measure and explain the impact of ICT on society and individuals particularly for vulnerable groups.
‘We believe that the funds contributed to this initiative are an investment that reap benefit not only to academia and regulation, but also to the industry, public policy and society at large,’ continued Ing. Micallef.
The MCA is already supporting a number of research studies.  These include a study on the quality of the digital terrestrial transmissions and the customer experience in this regard; a study on the digital and video gaming trends in the Maltese market; a study on children’s perceptions on the risks encountered online, and a fourth study on the impact of digital exclusion on older individuals.
The key findings of these studies will be published in due course. In the meantime, the funds are being managed by the Corporate Research and Knowledge Transfer Office within the University of Malta. ‘This collaboration with the MCA is in line with the University's continued efforts to work with Government, industry and civil-society to support initiatives which can benefit from research conducted at the University,’ said Dr Ing. Anton Bartolo, Director for Corporate Research and Knowledge Transfer.
‘Our academic staff and students are keen to work on research projects that address local needs and can be of direct benefit to Maltese society, and the Office strives to support and facilitate such collaborations. In particular such projects enable our students to gain specific experience in relevant areas and qualify them better for the workforce.’
Anyone wishing to participate in this initiative can contact Martina Pace on or 2340 3455. 


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