The MCA hosts FESA & ENISA Meetings in Malta

The Forum of European Supervisory Authorities (FESA) is a forum open to national bodies responsible for the supervision of Trust Service Providers (TSPs) and of Trusted Lists in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation. The scope of FESA is to support the cooperation, information and assistance among the members and to facilitate the exchange of views and agreement on good practices.

FESA members meet regularly at least two times a year, exchange information and discuss matters of cooperation between supervisory authorities.

The Malta Communications Authority which is the designated supervisory body for the eIDAS regulation in Malta organised the last FESA meeting on the 17th and 18th of October 2018. The meeting was held at The Palace Hotel in Sliema. Amongst others, the meeting focused on best practices in relation to conformity assessment reports, an update of ETSI standard in relation to eIDAS and a workshop on the management of Trusted Lists.

The FESA meeting is normally held back-to-back with the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) Article 19 Expert Group meeting. This meeting was held on the 18th and 19th of October 2018 and was also held at The Palace Hotel. The ENISA Article 19 meeting focuses primarily on incident reporting. Amongst others, the group discussed Article 19 processes and tools, hardware tracking of certificate signing devices and future training needs of ENISA members.

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