MCA eNewsletter – November 2012 – Week 5

TELECOMS: Voice calls over 4G LTE networks are battery killers

(28 Nov 2012) GigaOM.  VoIP may be the future on mobile communications, but new findings from testing outfit Spirent show the technology needs to improve its power efficiency if it’s to become viable. Its tests found that a VoLTE call consumes twice as much battery life as a 2G call. Read more...

SPECTRUM: WCIT-12: countries divided on approach to ITRs

(28 Nov 2012)Cullen International.  Only a few days before WCIT-12, ITU member states are divided into those wanting only minimal changes and countries wanting the ITRs to introduce detailed regulation. These differing approaches are reflected in the 19 proposals which ITU member states have so far presented to the December 2012 WCIT-12. Read more (subscription needed)...

SPECTRUM: Gunnar Hökmark: "Let's make the 700 MHz band a truly European frequency"

(27 Nov 2012) Cullen International.  The 700 MHz band should be licensed on a pan-European basis for broadband services, according to MEP Gunnar Hökmark (EPP, Sweden). He put forward the idea during the presentation of the Ericsson Mobility Report in Brussels on November 26, 2012. Read more (subscription needed)...

(Mobile) TV: Orange Exposure 2012/2013 research reveals stark contrast in mobile media habits between teenagers and adults

(29 Nov 2012) Orange.  The research provides rare insight into the mobile media habits of 11-18 year olds and firmly establishes mobile as the primary screen of choice with smartphone penetration very high among this age group – 83 per cent have a smartphone in the UK and 95 per cent have one in Spain. Read more...

BROADBAND: Supporting the Cultural and Creative Sector

(26 Nov 2012) EU Commission.  According to Neelie Kroes, Europeana has shown great potential in allowing wide access to digital cultural content, but more effort is needed to increase accessible content. Read Neelie Kroes’s speech here.

BROADBAND: Europe half-way to “Digital Heaven”: Study

(27 Nov 2012) Advanced Television.  A study by Point Topic shows Europe is now half-way towards achieving its aim of giving all inhabitants access to superfast broadband by 2020. The study was produced for DG Connect, the department of the European Commission which is responsible for its “Digital Agenda” strategy. Read more...

BROADBAND: ‘Fibre Switchover’ in the EU could take up to 92 years

(7 Nov 2012) FTTH Council Europe.  To take fibre into every home in the EU27 - excluding the 40% in urban areas that we assume will take cable broadband – will cost an estimated €272 billion. At the current rate of investment, it will take 92 years to achieve the ‘Fibre Switchover’. Read more...

BROADBAND: BT 10Gbps connection trial is world’s fastest broadband

(26 Nov 2012)  UK incumbent BT is trialling what it claims is the world’s first 10Gbps broadband connection using proof-of-concept technology called XGPON (Tens of Gibabits on a Passive Optical Network). Read more...

INTERNET:  Council conclusions on the European strategy for a Better Internet for Children

(27 Nov 2012) Council of the European Union.  The Council of the European Union has adopted conclusions regarding more quality on-line content for children and on stepping-up awareness and empowerment, inviting the member states, the Commission and industry to take the Council’s proposed actions. Read more...

POSTAL SERVICES & E-COMMERCE: Commission launches consultation on integrated parcel delivery market to boost e-commerce in the EU

(29 Nov 2012) EU Commission.  Studies show that only 9% of EU consumers buy goods online from other countries, with both e-retailers and consumers expressing their concerns about the shortcomings of current delivery systems used for goods ordered on line. 57% of e-retailers consider cross-border delivery to be an obstacle to trading, while 47% of consumers worry about delivery in cross-border transactions. Read more...

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