Highlights and Activities for Weeks 9 & 10

International News



a)      Cullen International.  BEREC and the European Commission organised a workshop to gather stakeholders’ views on the review of the recommendation on relevant markets in … [read more]  (subscription needed)

b)     Cullen International.  The funding of broadband infrastructure projects will receive 15% of the reduced €1.14bn budget of the Connected Europe Facility (CEF) for telecoms. [read more] (subscription needed)

c)      Cullen International.  The vote on the Telecoms Single Market (TSM) has been unexpectedly postponed on procedural grounds during a meeting of the lead ITRE committee in Strasbourg on February 24, 2014. Although this makes the timetable even tighter as it already is, it… [read more] (subscription needed)

d)     Reuters.  EU lawmakers want to scrap mobile phone roaming charges by 2015 and to prevent telecoms network operators from charging companies such as Google and Amazon to provide faster Web services, EU documents show. [read more]

e)     Total Telecom.  Timotheus Höttges calls for new, common approach to defining rules on security and privacy to give consumers a better understanding of the applications they use. [read more]


a)      EurActiv.  While the EU faces the serious risk of a new indefinite delay in regulating radio spectrum access across member states, industry warns against mobile data gridlocks and potentially higher prices for smartphone usage, as frequencies become “scarcer than oil”. [read more]

b)     Policy Tracker. The European Commission says it's moving to make spectrum available, but Weightless SIG CEO William Webb said that so far, Europe is leaving it to chance instead of seizing the chance to lead. [read more] (subscription needed)

c)      Cullen International.  The work of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) in the coming years will mainly focus on delivering an opinion on a long-term strategy for the future of the UHF bands between 470 MHz and 790 MHz in the EU, and a report on the efficient use of the spectrum.  [read more] (subscription needed)


a)      Advanced Television.  Twenty-four per cent of European Internet users say they are prevented by their providers from watching videos, listening music or using other applications of their choice, according to a new Eurobarometer survey of 28,000 citizens across the EU. [read more]

b)     EurActiv.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel said yesterday (16 February) she would talk to French President François Hollande about building a European communication network to avoid emails and other data passing through the United States. [read more]

c)      EurActiv.  Video streaming devices, apps and infrastructure featured high in this year's edition of the Mobile World Congress as the sector is expected to exceed 80% of global internet traffic in the next few years. [read more]

d)     The Economist.  Andrew Whitaker has made a career out of breaking into things. A “white hat” hacker in techie jargon, Mr Whitaker leads a team of security specialists at Knowledge Consulting Group who spend their days trying to worm their way into clients’ computer systems to see how … [read more]

e)     The Wall Street Journal.  Telecommunications companies in the U.S. and Europe are escalating a battle with technology firms over how Internet traffic is handled, as growth in data-hungry Web services explodes. [read more]

f)       European Commission.  By 2020 there will be more than 30 times as much mobile internet traffic as there was in 2010. But this will not be the same type of traffic as now - Internet usage will not only have grown… [read more]

g)      The Economist.  WHO has the world's biggest collection of internet pornography? No-one knows for sure, but after today Goverment Communications Headquarters (GCHQ; Britain's signals-intelligence service) must be one of the contenders. [read more]


a)      Advanced Television.  YouTube is piloting making its channels available via IPTV operator EPGs as part of partner-led initiatives to extend its’ channels reach. [read more]


b)     Cullen International. On February 26, 2014, the European Parliament backed, with amendments, the Commission proposal for a regulation on a Common European sales law (CESL). The proposed regulation contains a set of optional contract rules for businesses and consumers applicable to cross-border transactions. [read more]


a)      Postal Technology International.  PostNL said it expects the market for letter post to decline quickly over the coming years by an estimated 9-12%, however the operator has revealed plans to offset this against an increase in parcel delivery services. [read more]


International Meetings


  1. GSMA MINISTERIAL PROGRAMME 2014: Our Chairman and External Relations Manager  attended the GSMA World Congress 2014 held in Spain  on the 26th February 2014.
  1. 18th BEREC PLENARY MEETING: One of the MCA’s board members and our Chief of External Relations attended the 18th BEREC Plenary Meeting and the IRG General Assembly Meeting held in Sweden on the 27th February 2014.



  1. PROJECT ENTER: A new Community Training and Learning Centre (CTLC) was opened on Friday 21st February 2014 at the Gozo NGO Association in Xewkija. This event also marked the start of the first phase of the new MCA European Social Funds project titled ENTER, which will promote the use of ICT in everyday contexts, as well as an opportunity to better one’s productivity at work and improve job mobility. To view more information click here:  



  1. CONSUMER PERCEPTION SURVEYS 2013: Between August and October 2013, the MCA commissioned five different surveys to gauge consumer sentiment on bundled offerings, TV distribution, internet services, fixed telephony services and mobile services. To view more information click here:

-      Bundled offers: http://www.mca.org.mt/surveys/consumer-perception-survey-bundled-offers-2013

-      TV Services: http://www.mca.org.mt/surveys/consumer-perception-survey-tv-services-2013

-      Internet Services: http://www.mca.org.mt/surveys/consumer-perception-survey-internet-services-2013

-      Fixed Telephony: http://www.mca.org.mt/surveys/consumer-perception-survey-fixed-telephony-sector-2013

-      Mobile Services: http://www.mca.org.mt/surveys/consumer-perception-survey-mobile-sector-2013


 Legal Update

  1. Lawsuit Versus Sesco Investements Ltd. held on the 26th February 2014. This case was adjourned for the final submissions by both parties.
  2. MCCA Versus Melita Plc: A sitting  was held on the 26th February 2014 on the case between MCCAA and Melita relating to the use of the term ‘unlimited’ in Melita’s marketing . The parties did not achieve an out-of-court settlement and therefore the case was adjourned  for the continuation of the submissions of evidence by Melita Plc.
  3. Vodafone et vs l-Avukat Generali et: On the 3rd March 2014, the Constitutional Court gave its verdict confirming the decision of the First Court, and therefore not upholding the claims of Vodafone and GO, who argued that the 3% excise tax introduced by the Governmnet in 2005, was acting in breach of Articles 12 and 13 of the Authorisation Directive. During the proceedings of the case before the Constitutional Court, the plaintiffs  requested that the court makes a reference to the Courts of Justice of the European Union, which court in its ruling determined that the tax in question was not in breach of the Authorisation Directive.
  4. Lawsuit Versus Vodafone  Malta Ltd:  Held on the 4th March before the First Hall of the Civil Court. During the court hearing, the  plaintiffs presented  affidavits of their witnesses. The case was adjourned for the continuation of the hearing of evidence by both parties.









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