Highlights and Activities for weeks 9 &10

International News

EU Policy

European Commission. New guide to help public authorities to provide high quality and efficient services of general interest. This new Guide aims at clarifying the European rules applicable to the organisation and financing of services of general interest. This Guide thus helps public authorities, especially at local level, to provide high quality and efficient services in line with the EU rules. Read more…


a)      European Commission.  Following the detailed examination of UKE’s notified draft measure, its submissions, third parties’ submissions and having taken utmost account of BEREC's opinion, and for the reasons stated above, the Commission concludes that the evidence available does not support the geographic market definition and the finding of effective competition on the defined relevant market as proposed by UKE. Therefore, the Commission considers that the draft measure with regard to market definition and SMP assessment is not compatible with EU law, in particular with Article 8 of the Framework Directive. Read more…

b) Cullen International. The European Commission draft recommendation on universal service sets out a procedure member states should follow to include broadband in the scope of the universal service obligation (USO), without laying down specific numbers regarding uptake and data speed. Read more … (subscription needed).

c)  European Commission. The European Commission has opened a phase II investigation into the fixed IP termination rates in Italy as it concluded that the proposed draft measure infringes Articles 8(4) and 13(2) of the Access Directive in conjunction with Articles 8 and 16(4) of the Framework Directive. Read more…

d) Advanced Television.  The EU says it will take treaty powers to force through plans to create a single market for mobile services. Neelie Kroes, Europe’s digital commissioner, told MWC in Barcelona that.. (Read more…)

e) ComReg.  Price Regulation of Bundled Offers – Further specification of certain price control obligations in Market 1 and Market 4. ComReg considers that Eircom and OAOs utilising its wholesale inputs are facing increased localised competition from alternative infrastructure-based operators (mainly UPC). Read more…

f) European Commission.  The European Commission and The European Travel Agents' and Tour Operators' Associations (ECTAA) are asking tour operators, travel agents to promote the pan-European emergency number '112' on their websites, on e-tickets, and at major tourist destinations. Read more…

g) Analysys Mason.  Fixed-mobile bundling has taken France and Spain by storm: European multi-play forecasts reveal the impact. Read more…


a)      European Commission.  The Commission eyes the 700MHz band for mobile broadband. Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, intends to find a sustainable long-term solution for this band that avoids a fragmented approach, and which balances the interests of incumbent and new users, and deliver the greatest possible benefits for Europe, economically and socially. Read more…

b)     Cullen International.  The adoption of mobile applications, tablets and smart phones, increased mobile data speeds, the growth of Wi-Fi networks and the adoption of new TV standards for broadcasting are just some of the key drivers expected to push spectrum demand for commercial services in the next ten years. Read more… (subscription needed)

c)      EurActiv.  In a speech to Barcelona’s Global Mobile Congress – the world’s largest telecoms sector conference – Kroes said the 27 EU states needed to align their approach on mobile spectrum and fibre broadband, creating a genuine single market. Read more…


a)      telecoms.com.   After a tense few days of wrangling over budget cuts by Europe’s political leaders, it was scarcely good news for the €9.2bn pot of funding for broadband networks championed by Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Digital Agenda was almost wiped out. Read more…

b)FTTH Council Europe.  The FTTH Council Europe welcomes the announcement of the French government about investing 20 billion EUR into ultra‐fast broadband infrastructure with a special focus on future‐proof fibre in the coming years. Read more…


a) Advanced Television.  Spanish broadcasting agency Abertis Telecom is to make the first worldwide UHDTV transmission at the end of this month within the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Read more…


a)European Commission.  The European Commission, together with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has published a cybersecurity strategy alongside a Commission proposed directive on network and information security (NIS). Read more…

b)  EurActiv.  The 2012 Cyber Security Risk Report – published by Hewlett-Packard at the recent RSA security conference in San Francisco – found that mobile phone vulnerabilities rose significantly (68%) from 2011 to 2012, mirroring the growth of mobile applications and the use of smartphones. Read more…


a) Post & Parcel.  The chief executive of Australia Post warned that the reduction in his company’s workforce is “likely to continue” as mail volumes slide. Read more…

International Meetings

1. BEREC working group on net neutrality: The MCA is participating in the BEREC’s Expert Working Group which is established to discuss and analyze issues related to net neutrality.  During this meeting, the work undertaken during the last three years was highlighted and the work plans for 2013 were put forward. The Commission also gave a brief update of work it is planning for next year related to broadband quality of service and net neutrality.

2. ERGP end-to-end competition and access regulation sub-group:  The ERGP work stream for 2013 is intended to help NRAs better understand their role in assessing the impacts of end-to-end competition on the postal universal service and to describe and evaluate the regulatory approaches and practices in relation to end-to-end competition given the need for NRAs to ensure the efficient provision of the postal universal service. The programme for 2013 aims to identify the developments of end-to-end competition within EU member state and to describe existing NRA practices. The inaugural 2013 meeting of the ERGP end-to-end competition and access regulation sub group was held on Friday 1st March at Ofcom’s offices. During this meeting, members discussed the objectives, milestones and deliverables for the Project Requirements Document. A draft questionnaire was also discussed with the aim to guide drafters on topic areas, questions and target audience.  Second ERGP meeting is expected to take place in the last week of April.

3. The acting CEO and the Chief of External Relations attended the 1st BEREC Plenary for 2013 


  1. Market review of wholesale broadband markets (Markets 4 and 5) - Final decisions: The MCA publishing two decisions related to market reviews of the wholesale broadband markets. The first follows the market review of the market for Wholesale Unbundled Infrastructure Access  (Market 4), whilst the second decision relates to the Wholesale Broadband Access market (Market 5).
These decisions follow the national consultation and the notification process with the EU Commission


  1. eCommerce Forum:  The Authority recently held its 9th eCommerce Forum, a regular feature in the local eCommerce calendar.  During this forum, Mr Peter Sant, from the EU Business Development Department at BOV delivered a very informative presentation about how local entrepreneurs, particularly those running SMEs, are gaining access to EU Funds and benefitting from these in order to start up or expand their business. He also mentioned the bank’s ongoing support to SME’s through its European Affairs unit within the bank and proffered some advice on related issues. An interesting presentation about ‘clustering’ was delivered by Mr. George Francalanza, Head of the Relationship Management Unit at Malta Enterprise. He focussed on the potential economic benefits of clusters in Malta, what Malta Enterprise has done so far in this regard and what needs to be done for companies to benefit this new business model. To further substantiate this concept of ‘clustering’, Ms. Anamaria Pantea, Business Developer at SmartCity Malta, presented an interesting case study about clustering in Dubai. Whilst going through the critical factors that contribute towards successful ‘clusters’, she put forth a number of options that could take ‘clustering’ a step further in Malta. Mr. Keith Gauci, Director at thegofer.com, shared his experience of setting-up and running an online business. He talked about the motives that triggered the need to invest in eCommerce, the benefits that the company is gaining from this investment, the challenges overcome and those ahead, and the lessons learnt along the way.  The Authority wishes to thank all those that contributed and participated in this forum and looks forward to more interesting contributions during 2013 to continue addressing benefits and challenges faced in the eCommerce industry.
  1. BeSmartOnline Advisory Board: The 4th BeSmartOnline! Advisory Board  meeting was held on the 27th February at the Phoencia Hotel.  The project Hotline and supportline 179 were outlined and discussed.  The session was chaired by Dr. Antonio  Ghio, the MCA Chairman and Digital Champion for Malta and was also attended by the Commissioner for Children,  Ms Helen D’Amato,  and Ms Sina Bugeja, CEO for the Foundation for Social Welfare Services.
  1. Digital Angels: As part of this year’s Safer Internet Day activities, the MCA launched a new initiative intended for children in the 6th year of primary school. Through this initiative children will be encouraged to pair up with a grandparent (or a friend of the family aged 55 years and over) to spend some time together on the computer on an activity that is of interest to both. Such activity could be anything from entertainment, communication to a learning exercise. A poster competition has been launched giving children the opportunity to win a computer, an Xbox or one of three tablets that have been generously offered by operators and the industry.
  1. eAgeing: Following the successful completion of the eAgeing campaign in the last quarter of 2012, the MCA has now issued 809 vouchers to individuals aged 55 years and over to attend free basic ICT training.  The training is offered at a number of CTLCs established around Malta and Gozo and are operated by NGO and/or local councils.


Legal Update:

Two court cases were heard before the Administrative Review Tribunal

  1. Continuation of the appeal by Melita plc contesting the administrative fine MCA imposed because Melita failed to notify the Authority in good time when it ceased to continue with the transmission of the Nat-Geo Music Channel – evidence was given by witnesses produced by both sides to the appeal. The case is now adjourned for the final submissions of the parties to the appeal.
  2. Continuation of DHL appeal contesting MCA’s decision requiring DHL to have an individual licence to provide postal services which MCA contends to fall within the scope of the universal services – evidence was given by a representative from MaltaPost and by an MCA officer. The case is adjourned for the continuation of the hearing of evidence.

In addition, Post Office Lease Order, Legal Notice 73 of 2013 was published in the Government Gazette.  This Legal Notice regulates the lease of premises used as post offices by MaltaPost Plc.


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