Highlights and activities for Weeks 5 & 6

International news

1.       Telecommunications

a)      BEREC.  On 10 December 2012, the Commission sent a serious doubts letter opening a phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7a of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC. The Commission’s doubts concern the non-imposition of appropriate termination rates by ČTÚ. BEREC is of the opinion that the resulting price levels, as notified by ČTÚ, cannot be in itself a reason to have serious doubts. The NRA has to show that it has modelled FTRs in line with the Recommendation but it should not have to provide a justification why its FTRs differ from FTRs in other EU member states. (read more...) Read also analytical article prepared by Cullen International (subscription needed).

b)     telecoms.com.  Almost three quarters of telecoms professionals believe that the impending EU roaming legislation will result in higher customer satisfaction for subscribers. However, the majority believe that... (read more...)

2.       Spectrum

a)      European Commission.  The European Commission has decided to refer Bulgaria to the EU's Court of Justice over the assignment of digital broadcast spectrum. The Commission found that the procedure followed by Bulgaria was based on disproportionately restrictive award conditions, leading to the exclusion of potential candidates. This hampers competition in the future Bulgarian digital terrestrial television (DTT) infrastructure market, in breach of the applicable EU Directives on electronic communications. (read more...)

b)     Analysys Mason.  When mobile network operators roll out a new network, they typically start with an evenly spaced layer of coverage sites. As more customers join the network, the traffic that the network needs to carry increases depending on the location of users, so that individual sites may become more overloaded than others. (read more…)

c)      Advanced Television.  Italian public broadcaster RAI is set to launch DVB-T2 broadcasts in almost all the provincial capitals with a new dedicated multiplex (number five) on VHF channel 11. (read more...)

d)     Advanced Television.  Italy’s Communications Authority (AgCom) has announced that, instead of one, it will now organise two frequency auctions, with the first offering 20-year licences for the use of three multiplexes for TV broadcasting, and the second …  (read more…)

3.       Broadband

a)      European Commission.  In a recent speech, Neelie Kroes put forward plans a package of ten steps to make the European telecoms market more integrated, coherent, and efficient, giving digital Europe its broadband boost. (read more…)

b)     telecoms.com.  A video format that promises to make streaming video over the internet much more efficient has been ratified by the ITU. The H.265 standard, also known as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), is claimed to be twice as efficient as its predecessor, H.264. (read more…)

4.       Internet

a)      EurActiv.  Child safety online is listed as one of the main priorities in the Digital Agenda for Europe, but censorship on the internet isn't the way forward, a top European Commission official said. (read more…)

b)     EuroPolitics.  The European Commission intends to place additional obligations on the private sector in order to step up the fight against cyber attacks, according to an EU official. Companies in charge of critical infrastructures, for example, will be required to... (read more…)

c)      New York Times.  Frustrated that American technology companies that dominate its digital economy are largely beyond the reach of French fiscal authorities, France has proposed a new levy: an Internet tax on the collection of personal data. (read more…)

5.       Post

a)      Post & Parcel.  Parcel carrier DPD has launched a new “game-changing” international business-to-consumer delivery service out of the UK. (read more…)

6.       Technology

a)      PwC.  In today’s highly competitive global environment, companies are looking for opportunities to minimize costs, increase efficiencies and gain competitive advantage. (read more…)


International Meetings


1. High Level Internet Governance (HLIG) Meeting: The High Level Group on Internet Governance (HLIG) group was commissioned by DG CONNECT Director-General R. Madelin to act as a platform for exchange of information and coordination at European level on Internet Governance issues. The meeting discussed the outcomes of the World Conference on International Telecommunications 2012, which was held in Dubai in December 2012, the preparation of the upcoming World Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum (WTPF) in Geneva in May 2013 and issues related to the new gTLDs.


2. ENISA Working Group: One of our technical specialists attended the 9th Article 13A WG meeting to discuss and agree, with other member States, the new version of the guidelines for minimum security measures. A representative from the European Commission also gave an update on the development of the European Cyber Security Strategy. In addition ENISA updated members on its work programme on ART 4 and ART 15.


3. CEPT Working Group on Frequency Management: The MCA attended the 76th working group meeting of CEPT on frequency management which was held in Warsaw between 4 and 8 February.  The meeting discussed various spectrum related issues.  In particular it approved revisions to the European Frequency Allocation Table (ERC report 25) and approved a number of spectrum-related deliverables, which have the scope to establish a harmonised regulatory framework in Europe.  The meeting also provided guidance to its project teams on the various work items which are still under discussion.


4. IRG Contact Network Meeting: The BEREC/IRG Contact Network meets on a quarterly basis and its main purpose is to discuss the work that has been undertaken by the various Expert Working Groups in line with the annual Work Programme and prepare the decisions to be taken by the Board of Regulators and the BEREC Office Management Committee.


5. eCommerce Expert Working Group:



1. Broadband Internet – Quality of Service Framework:  Following the consultation process undertaken during 2012, the MCA has published a Decision Notice regarding a Quality of Service Framework for Broadband Internet. The MCA’s “Response to Consultation” annexed to the Decision, captures the outcome of the public consultation launched in January 2012 with respect of the same Quality of Service Framework.  See http://mca.org.mt/consumer/decisions/broadband-internet-quality-service-framework



1. Safer Internet Day: On Tuesday 5th February, Insafe and INHOPE networks (the European network of Safer Internet Centres and the International Association of Internet Hotlines respectively), of which the BeSmartOnline! is a member, celebrated Safer Internet Day (SID) for the tenth year running. An initiative of the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme, this day marks an annual opportunity to engage in making the Internet a safer and better place for our children and young people. Since its first edition in 2004, interest in Safer Internet Day has grown tremendously to reach 6 of the world’s 7 continents in more than 100 countries worldwide; including all 27 countries of the European Union. Safer Internet Day 2013 celebrated the theme Online rights and responsibilities with the slogan Connect with respect. On this occasion, representatives from the MCA participated in a number of TV programmes to discuss the theme in more detail.


2. Launch of new Community Training and Learning Centre (CTLC): A new centre was launched at the St. Vincent de Paul residence with the aim of reducing the digital divide between generations. The centre was officially inaugurated by the Hon. Mario Galea, Parliamentary Secretary for the Elderly and Community Care and Mr. Ian Agius, Acting Chief Executive Officer at the MCA. See. http://tvm.com.mt/news/more-it-services-for-st-vincent-de-paul-residence/

Legal Update:

  1. On the 30 January 2013, the MCA together with a representative from the Government of Malta, participated in the oral submissions before the European Court of Justice following a reference by the Maltese Constitutional Court, which was made at the request of Vodafone Malta and Mobisle Communications. This reference by the Maltese Court to the European Court of Justice was made in the context of court proceedings initiated by the aforesaid two companies against the Maltese Government and against the MCA.  During the same proceedings, oral submissions were also made by the Governments of Spain, France and Hungary and by the European Commission. The decision of the European Court of Justice will be communicated at a later date.
  2. On the 4 February 2013, the Administrative Review Tribunal decided the case Melita plc vs MCA  by confirming MCA’s regulatory ruling of the 10 May 2012 where an administrative fine was imposed on Melita following the issue of a circular entitled “Switch of printed bills! Less paper with mymelita”. In its Decision, the MCA had decided that Melita had acted in breach of Art 23 of Cap. 399 and of the applicable regulatory decision entitled “Modifications to the Terms and Conditions of subscriber contracts” dated 11 October 2011 .       

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