Highlights and activities for Weeks 49 & 50

International News

1.      Telecoms

a)      ETNO.  ETNO presented today the Annual Economic Report 2013. The figures confirm that ETNO members are the driving force of Europe's telecommunications sector. With a 77.3% share of the total sector employment and a 61% share of the total sector investments, ETNO operators are at the forefront in the global race to empower EU citizens, businesses and public administrations with world class connectivity. Read more…

b)     Cullen International.  Member states in no hurry to reach a common position on Telecoms Single Market proposal. Read more…  (subscription is required)

c)      European Commission. European Commission formally requests the Austrian regulator to amend or withdraw its proposal for broadband wholesale access regulation. Read more…

d)     Cullen International.  The Commission believes that there is no immediate need for specific regulation of machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies despite certain… Read more… (subscription is required)

e)     Total telecom.  The U.K. government on Tuesday announced that it has brokered a deal with three mobile network operators and one major MVNO to make mobile charges... Read more…

2.      Spectrum

a)      Policy Tracker.  Pilar del Castillo, the European Parliament's rapporteur for the draft "connected continent" regulation, has added an amendment that would prohibit NRAs from issuing spectrum licences that are shorter than 30 years. Read more… (subscription is required)

b)     Lexology.  The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority’s (FICORA) 800 MHz spectrum auction was finally concluded on 30 October 2013. Read more…

3.      TV & Radio

a)      Analysys Mason.  Analysys Mason has recently completed a study for the European Commission about the future demand for spectrum, including the UHF bands, across the EU-27.  Read more…

4.      NGA / Broadband

b)     Cullen International.  In its progress report, the Lithuanian Council presidency indicated that the choice of directive instead of a regulation is an issue which “keeps coming back in the discussions” between members states. Read more… (subscription is required)

c)      Cullen International.  Measures to lower the cost of broadband deployment should be addressed by means of a directive, instead of a regulation, giving member states more flexibility to adjust to local… Read more…

5.      Internet

a)      EurActiv.  French lawmakers, supported by the EU's Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes, are pressing the European Union to stand up more firmly against American domination in cyberspace. Read more…

b)     Lexology.  Internet service providers can be required to block access to a website which infringes copyright. Read more…

6.      ICT

a)      European Parliament.  European Parliament’s resolution unleashing the potential of cloud computing in Europe requires high capacity secure infrastructures, adherence to strong data protection rules, interoperability and portability of services, fair information to consumers, amongst others.  Read more…

7.      Post

a)      ComReg.  Response to Consultation and Decision on how to assess and finance any unfair financial burden on the universal postal service provider. Read more…

b)     Post & Parcel.  A group of 24 postal companies from around the world have launched a new programme that aims to establish a fully interconnected network for shipping e-commerce products across borders. Read more…


International Publications

The Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) is preparing an update of its Work Programme ("WP 2014 and beyond").  In this context, the RSPG is seeking input and views from stakeholders on the content of the draft work programme. One can find a direct link to the document on http://rspg-spectrum.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/RSPG13-543-Annex1-RSPG-Draft-WorkProgramme-public-consultation.pdf  (open until 6 January 2014). Further information on the submission of input  is available at  http://rspg-spectrum.eu/public-consultations/. Please reply by e-mail before 6 January 2014 to CONNECT RSPG (CNECT-RSPG@ec.europa.eu).


International Meetings

  1. High-Level Internet Governance Forum(HLIG): Our Chief of Information Management and Development attended the HLIG Meeting held in Brussels on 3rd December.


  1. 17th BEREC Plenary Meeting and IRG General Assembly: Our Chief of External Relations attended the 17th BEREC Plenary meeting in Budapest organized by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority of Hungary (NMHH).


  1. Training on Communications and Media Regulation: The European University Institute Florence School of Regulation held the annual training on Communications and Media Regulation between the 5th and 7th December. Our External Relations Analyst participated in thi training session, which focused on Network Regulations, particularly on Access and Interconnection, Regulatory Obligations and Investment Incentives, and Regulatory Accounting and Models.


  1. Broadband Investment: Our Chief of  Information Management and Development attended a workshop on Broadband Investment held in Brussels on the 6th December. The aim of this workshop was to provide further information on the new forms of broadband funding, in particular the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The second objective was  to review the development of broadband projects in the Member States. In addition to these two objectives, this workshop also provided a forum for Member States to be able to address any questions or concerns to various European Commission and outside agency staff that are involved in broadband policy and its implementation.


  1. E-Skills for the 21st Century – EeSA Conference: This  conference was organised by the European Commission (DG Enterprise and Industry) with the support of Empirica and in partnership with the European e-Skills Association and several leading stakeholders. Our Manager - Information Society was amongst the leading experts  that attended this meeting. e-Leadership, ICT professionalism, and  Digital Jobs were a few of the key topics discussed in this conference.


  1. Radio Spectrum Committee Meeting: Our Chief Technology and Spectrum Management and Manager on Spectrum Management attended a joint Commission-CEPT workshop on "EU Policy Objectives for the World Radio Conference 2015" in Brussels on the 10th December.


  1. Meeting with the EU Commission: Our Chief of External Relations attended a high level meeting with the Commission on the Connected Continent package. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the Regulation proposal and the way forward, in view of the ensuing legislative negotiation process.This  meeting took place in Brussels on the 11th  December.


  1. Postal Directive Committee: A Postal Directive Committee plenary meeting was held in Brussels on the 10th December and was attended by our Manager on Policy and Strategy.



1.       CONSULTATION on the provision of voice call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location in Malta. On the 4th December, the MCA published this consultation which will run from the 4th of December 2013 to the 17th of January 2014.  To view consultation click here: http://www.mca.org.mt/consultations/mca-consultation-provision-voice-call-termination-individual-public-telephone-networks


2.       EXTENSION TO CONSULTATION DEADLINE: Market Review for the Parel Post Markets Consultation. Following a request received from an interested party, on the 11th December 2013,  the MCA granted an extension to the deadline for the submission of responses to its current consultation entitled ‘Market Review for the Postal Sector: Parcel Post Markets’ to Thursday, 2nd January 2014. To view consultation document click here: http://www.mca.org.mt/consultations/market-review-postal-sector-parcel-post-markets-consultation



3.       NOTICE REGARDING DECISION on Market 4 – Wholesale Unbundled Infrastructure Access Market’, which was originally published on 6th March 2013. To view this notice click here: http://www.mca.org.mt/notices-and-announcements/notice-relation-market-4-market-analysis-decision


4.       DATA REPORT SHEET: On the 11th December, the MCA updated its series of Data Report Sheet ('DRS') publications with a report covering the period Q1 2009 to Q3 2013. The purpose of this publication is to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta concerning electronic communications and post. To view the report click here: http://www.mca.org.mt/statistics/key-market-indicators-electronic-communications-and-post-q1-2009-q3-2013


Legal Update

1.       Lija Local Council et vs Melita et . Sitting held on 12th December 2013. This case was adjourned for 3rd February 2014 so that plaintiffs can make their final written submissions. This case is pending  before the First Hall.


2.       Lawsuit versus Vodafone Malta Ltd.  Sitting held on the 9th December 2013. The case now stands adjourned to 8th January 2014.  This case is pending before the First Hall – Constitutional.


3.        Lawsuit versus DHL International Ltd.  The case now stands adjourned to the 8th Jan 2014 for the Tribunal's final decision. This case is pending before the Administrative Review Tribunal.


No cases are scheduled until  7th January 2014 .

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