Highlights and Activities for Weeks 49 & 50

International Meetings

  1. World Conference on International Telecommunications
    The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) participated on behalf of the Maltese Government at the ITU World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) which took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates between the 3rd and the 14th of December 2012.  The WCIT was tasked to revise a treaty adopted in 1988, referred to as International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs). Throughout the said conference the Maltese delegation is coordinating with the European Commission and the other Member States of the European Union in view of a common European position.
  1. Communications Committee Meeting (COCOM)
    The Communications Committee assists the Commission in carrying out its executive powers under the regulatory framework governing telecoms in the EU. A representative of the MCA attended the recent COCOM during which, the draft regulation on data breaches was discussed.  During this meeting the draft of the recommendation on consistent non-discrimination and costing methodologies was also presented by the Commission.  
  1. Recommendation on Relevant Markets - BEREC
    The MCA attended BEREC’s (European Regulators for Electronic Communications) Convergence and Economic Analysis Working Group meeting which discussed the response that BEREC will be providing to the European Commission in relation to its consultation on the next revision of the Recommendation on Relevant Markets.  The BEREC working group discussed the main issues that European regulators would like the European Commission to address in this forthcoming Recommendation. The final response is expected to be finalised early next year.
  1. Radio Spectrum Committee Meeting (RSCOM)
    The MCA participated at the 42nd meeting of the Radio Spectrum Committee which was held in Brussels on the 5th and 6th December 2012.  Amongst other things, the meeting discussed a draft mandate to CEPT to develop harmonised technical conditions for the 700 MHz band; the derogations requested by the Member States for the 800 MHz band; a draft implementing act on the inventory of spectrum use; and the review of the European Commission’s Decision on short range devices.
  1. "Meeting on the imputation of bundled revenues in the construction of single service revenue indicators Benchmarking (EWG, BEREC)"
    One of MCA’s market analysts attended an expert working group on the imputation of bundled revenues in the construction of single service revenue indicators benchmarking.  During this meeting which was organized by CMT, the Spanish telecom regulator, different National Regulatory Authority’s presented their current working calculations on bundled revenues.  The Expert Group agreed that in the coming months information from all European NRA’s on the subject is collected with the aim to establish a common and more defined method of calculation.
  1. European Space Solutions Conference
    A delegate from MCA attended the European Space Solutions Conference, a major 3-day conference, exhibition and business support which brought together the business, the public-sector, users and developers of space-based solutions to explore how space can make a real difference to the lives, and livelihoods of people across Europe.

    The European Space Expo, a state of the art interactive public exhibition complemented the conference by showcasing the many benefits that the EU space programmes bring to Europe.
  1. "Annual Training 2012 – (13) on Communications & Media Regulation BLOCK II"
    Florence School of Regulation (FSR) Communications and Media Annual Training:  FSR Annual Training on Communications & Media Regulation is a state-of-the-art course combining high academic standards with a deep and direct contact with actual and present regulatory problems and trade-offs. The 3 day course participated in December 2012 was a specialized three-day training courses on Network regulation were the following subjects were discussed in detail: the economics of interconnection; termination regulation; broadband investment and regulation; geographic markets: co-investment agreements and access; costing methodologies and incentives to invest in fibre; the European Commission’s harmonization recommendations on termination; and NGA regulation transition to NGN (costs and access), network cost modelling, and regulatory accounting.
  1. Postal Directive Committee
    The Postal Directive Committee Meeting which was held on the 13 December 2012 discussed the state of play of the transposition of the Third Postal Directive 2008/6/EC whereby the postal sector within Europe will be fully liberalised by the 1st of January 2013.  The Committee also discussed the developments in the postal policy areas, such as the recently published Commission Green Paper entitled ‘An integrated parcel delivery market for the growth of e-Commerce in the EU’ and the outcome of the 25th Universal Postal (UPU) Congress.
  1. Key market indicators for electronic communications and post - Q1 2009 to Q3 2012 
    The MCA has recently updated its series of Data Report Sheet ('DRS') publications with a report covering the period Q1 2009 to Q3 2012.

    The purpose of this publication is to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta concerning electronic communications and post.

    The publication lists a number of indicators for the aforementioned areas, with data presented on a quarterly basis. Click here to view the latest report.
  1. 13th BEREC Plenary hosted in Malta
    The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) as established under EU law enables national regulatory authorities to work together to discuss, disseminate information and advice the European Commission about issues relevant to the market.
    Between the 6th and 7th December, the MCA hosted the 13th BEREC Plenary, a meeting which brings together the heads of the authorities and the European Commission.
    During the meeting, BEREC adopted a number of documents including a number of Common Positions and its work programme for 2013. At the meeting, the BEREC received a formal request from the Commission to draft an opinion on the Commission’s draft Recommendation on issues of non-discrimination and costing methodologies.
    The heads of the European regulators welcomed BEREC’s new chair for 2013, Mr. Leonidas Kanellos, president of Greek regulator, EETT and elected Luc Hindryckx, Chairman of the Council of Belgian regulator, BIPT, as its chair for 2014. New Vice-Chairs for 2013 were also elected, namely Franc Dolenc (Director of Slovenian regulator, APEK) and Gabor Matrai (Vice President for electronic communications, from Hungarian regulator, NMHH). The 2012 BEREC Chair, Mr. Georg Serentschy (CEO of Austrian regulator, RTR) will remain on the Board as a Vice Chair during 2013.
    Click here access the full BEREC Press Release which was published following the meeting.
  1. Electronic Communications Forum
    On Friday 14th December 2012, the Malta Communications Authority hosted the final Electronic Communications Forum for 2012.  The meeting discussed MCA’s 2013 Business Plan and the Survey on the use of ICT by Minors carried out by the MCA as part of the ‘BeSmartOnline!’ Initiative.

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