Highlights and Activities for Weeks 37 & 38

International Meetings

  1. ERGP Cost Allocation & tariff regulation:  A meeting by the Regulatory Accounting/Price Regulation sub-group of ERGP was held at ARCEP premises between the 12th and 13th September. Our Financial Analyst represented the MCA at the meeting. In the first part of the meeting, the group discussed the responses to a public consultation on a draft ERGP report on specific cost allocation issues. The meeting proceeded with presentations by representatives of the regulators in Germany and Cyprus. The presentations dealt with varying aspects of the price control frameworks in place in the respective countries. These were followed by a round table discussion on the recent regulatory developments in the different European countries. In the final part of the meeting, the group discussed the way forward on an internal report on best practices for tariff regulation in a declining market.
  1. Galileo PRS Pilot project negotiations:  The MCA attended a bi-lateral meeting with the European Commission, European Space Agency and the Galileo Supervisory Authority to present its role as an observer in the Galileo PRS Pilot Projects. The objective of the meeting was to establish the proper support and the areas where Malta could participate in these projects. Galileo Public Regulated Service (PRS) is an access controlled service broadcast globally using an encrypted Signal in Space (SIS) and is one of the key services of the Galileo Satellite Navigation System. This meeting was attended by our Chief of Information and Development.
  1. Telecoms Council Working Party: The Telecommunications and Information Society Working Party, held on the 12th of September, focussed on the amended proposal for a Regulation on guidelines for trans-European telecommunications networks. Delegates from member states were invited to provide their feedback on the text whilst representatives from the European Investment Bank (EIB) gave a presentation on the financial instruments which will be used to assist companies in investing in Broadband Networks.
  1. ERGP Sub-Group on end-to-end competition and access regulation: The ERGP work stream for 2013 is intended to help NRAs better understand their role in assessing the impacts of end-to-end competition and access regulation on the postal universal service and to describe and evaluate the regulatory approaches and practices in relation to end-to-end and access competition given the need for NRAs to ensure the efficient provision of the postal universal service. The programme for 2013 aims to identify the developments of end-to-end and access competition within EU member state and to describe existing NRA practices. The third and last meeting of the ERGP end-to-end competition and access regulation sub group is being held today at Ofcom, London. Our market analyst is attending this meeting.



  1. REPORT: Consumer bi-annual report:  This report provides an analysis of the complaints and enquiries received during the first six months of thisyear and also provides information on enforcement actions and related monitoring activities undertaken by the MCA during this period. Click here to view the report http://www.mca.org.mt/consumer/reports/consumer-bi-annual-report-january-june-2013
  2. REPORT: Updated market data published: The purpose of this publication is to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta electronic communications and post. The report sheet lists a number of indicators for the aforementioned areas, with data presented on a quarterly basis from Q1 2009 to Q3 2013. Click here for access to this data http://www.mca.org.mt/statistics/key-market-indicators-electronic-communications-and-post-q1-2009-q2-2013
  3. CONSULTATION: Review of QoS requirements and targets for the Universal Postal Service: The MCA is consulting on the QoS targets to be achieved by MaltaPost for the universal postal service covering the period October 2013 - September 2016. This consultation updates the information and reporting requirements with respect to performance monitoring and complaints handling. The consultation will run from the 10th September 2013 to the 8th October 2013 during which time the MCA welcomes written comments on any of the issues raised in the paper. Click here to access consultation document http://www.mca.org.mt/consumer/consultations/review-qos-requirements-and-targets-universal-postal-service
  4. CONSULTATION: A postal fee structure for a fully liberalised market environment:  This consultation document sets out the MCA's views on the proposed postal authorisation fee structure for a fully liberalised market environment. The consultation period will run from the 16th September 2013 until the 14th October 2013. See http://www.mca.org.mt/service-providers/consultations/postal-authorisation-fee-structure-fully-liberalised-market



  1. INSAFE/INHOPE training meeting held in Malta: The Insafe network of 30 Safer Internet Centres from across Europe held a three-day meeting in Malta. Insafe members spoke about the future and how they intend to continue to move towards a better internet for children and young people. A key focus of the meeting was how to work better within existing networks and partnerships. Emphasis was also placed on the importance of social media in the work that the safer internet centres do, be that awareness raising or helpline activity. The gathered members will also explore how youth participation is being used across the network and also how digital citizenship is being supported by the work of safer internet centres. Malta, through the BeSmartOnline Safer Internet Centre, forms part of the Insafe network. Click here for further information http://www.mca.org.mt/notices-and-announcements/hon-dr-edward-zammit-lewis-opens-insafe-and-inhope-training-meeting-malta



  1. Post of Back-to-Back Project Coordinator: This vacancy is at ETC Stage 1. Only individuals registering accordingly can apply. Closing date for applications is 26th September2013 Click here to view more information on this position. http://www.mca.org.mt/careers/post-back-back-project-coordinator

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