Highlights and Activities for Weeks 31 & 32

MCA Publications


1.Consultation on the provision of dedicated capacity over leased lines in Malta (MCA/C/12-1149): The Authority regularly carries out reviews of competition in communications markets to ensure that regulation remains appropriate in the light of changing market conditions. A review carried out recently sets out the MCA’s proposal concerning the regulatory treatment of the relevant product markets for the provision of dedicated capacity over leased lines in Malta.  On the basis of market findings, the MCA has set out its regulatory proposals to promote and foster effective competition to the benefit of industry and consumers in a consultation document issued on 31st July 2012. The consultation period ends on 28th September 2012. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/consultation/mca-consultation-provision-dedicated-capacity-over-leased-lines-malta-mcac12-1149) 

2.Consultation on the regulation of the postal sector in a liberalised environment (MCA/C/12-1143): The MCA is seeking views from the industry and members of the public on the proposed framework for the regulation of competition outlined in a consultation paper published on the 1st August 2012. The MCA is also seeking the views on the corresponding proposed amendments to the Postal Services (General) Regulations. Taking into consideration the responses received to this consultation, the MCA will submit the proposed amendments to the Postal Services (General) Regulations to the responsible Minister. Following the adoption of the proposed amendments to the Regulations, the MCA will issue its decision on the revised regulatory framework. The consultation period will come to a close on 18th of September 2012. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/consultation/regulating-postal-sector-fully-liberalised-market-consultation-mcac114312) 

3.Decision on wholesale access and call origination on mobile networks (MCA/D/12-1167): Following the notification of the respective draft measures to the EU Commission in July 2012, the MCA published the response to consultation and decision on wholesale access and call origination on mobile networks. This decision follows an earlier national consultation exercise carried out between the 21st of May 2012 and the 22nd of June 2012. In its Decision, the MCA concluded that this market is effectively competitive and therefore regulations which were previously imposed have been withdrawn. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/article/mca-decision-wholesale-access-and-call-origination-mobile-networks-mcad12-1167) 

4.Tender award notice: The MCA has successfully concluded the adjudication of a tender for the provision of public relations, advertising and other communications services. The tender has been awarded to Switch Ltd. 



1.Participation in market sounding meetings as part of the FTTH project: MCA representatives participated in meetings organised by the Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications with the remaining selected vendors who expressed interest in the deployment of a Fibre-to-the-home network for Malta. 

2.1st Advisory Board Meeting of the BeSmartOnline! project: On the 31st of July, the BeSmartOnline! consortium held its first Advisory Board meeting following the green light by the European Commission to continue the work commenced in 2010, which work led to the setting up of the Safer Internet Centre in Malta, under a previous grant agreement through the same Safer Internet Programme.  

The Advisory Board is made up of representatives from members of the consortium formed for the project and a number of wider stakeholders who have been identified as strategic partners who shall be directly contributing to the project.  The consortium is made up of the MCA, the Foundation for Social Welfare Services and the Office of the Commissioner for Children. The strategic partners include the Directorate for Educational Services, the Malta Police Force (Cyber Crime Unit), the University of Malta, the Secretariat for Catholic Education and the Association of Independent Schools. 

These diverse entities bring their vast experience and specific knowledge to the Advisory Board in order to assist the consortium to implement the project. In turn, the Advisory Board is supported by three stakeholder forums which shall have the opportunity to conduct in-depth discussions on specific related area. The three forums include; 

a.the Psychosocial Expert; 

b.the Industry Stakeholder; and 

c.the Parent and Carer forums. 


In its first meeting the Advisory Board discussed the salient issues of the project related to the operations of the awareness raising efforts, of the hotline and helpline and of the Youth Panel. Specifically the Advisory Board discussed who should be targeted through the project in its awareness efforts, the topics that should be given priority and the media to be used to reach the project objectives. Logistical and delivery methods within schools, a major awareness raising component of the project, were also discussed. Promotional methods of the hotline and helpline were discussed together with the methods through which the consortium shall be reaching the most vulnerable groups of society in order to provide them with the necessary education to prevent them from becoming victims of online abuse. Finally the setup of the Youth Panel was discussed and agreed upon. The basis upon which the Safer Internet Centre shall work upon to encourage the creation and recognition of local online positive content was established. (see http://www.besmartonline.org.mt/


Litigation and other legal updates

There were no legal or legislative updates during this period. 

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