Highlights and Activities for Weeks 3 & 4

International news
1. Telecommunications: 
a) EurActiv.  The EU will set out reforms for a pan-European telecommunications market this year to support competition and investment in the sector, the bloc's telecoms chief, Neelie Kroes, said in a newspaper interview today (14 January). Read more...
b) BEREC.  BEREC recommends UKE withdraw this present notification supplementing the regulatory process initiated by UKE in the second market review that was notified to and assessed by the Commission in February 2011 and conduct a market analysis following the best practices of the Member States and the Commission’s guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power (Market 5).  Read more...
Read also analytical article prepared by Cullen International (subscription needed).
c) Cullen International.  ITU member states failed to reach a consensus agreement at the December World Conference on International Telecommunications 2012 (WCIT-12) and, as a result, 55 ITU member states, including the EU member states, the USA and Japan, have decided not to sign the revised International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs). Read more (subscription needed)...
d) EuroPolitics.  Following in the footsteps of alternative operators (see Europolitics 4543), consumers are now denouncing the European Commission’s proposed recommendation to regulate access to telecommunications networks (calculation of rates and...  Read more...
e) total telecom.  ETNO denies media report that telcos are considering pooling network infrastructure. Major European telecom firms have no plans to create a single mobile network, the European telecommunications network operators' association, or Etno, said Wednesday.  Read more...
f) ETNO.  As the new recommendation on relevant markets will identify the markets susceptible to regulation by national regulators up to 2020, the review should be forward looking and not only reflect today’s market changes but also anticipate rapidly evolving technologies and consumer habits, says ETNO in its response to the EC open consultation closing today.  Read more...
g) Analysys Mason.  SMS generated extraordinary profits for many years, but now looks unsustainable as smartphone penetration increases and a range of IP-based alternatives become available. Speculation concerning the fate of mobile operators' 'cash cow' is increasing. Read more...
2. Broadband / NGA
a) Advanced Television.  The number of FTTH lines in Spain has doubled year-on-year to 288,012, and now represents 2.5% of all fixed bandwidth lines in the country, according to a report from Telefonica called “The Information Society in Spain 2012″.  Read more...
3. Spectrum
a) Ofcom. Ofcom has today started the primary bid stage of the 800 MHz and 2.6 GHz spectrum auction. Seven bidders are competing in the largest ever mobile spectrum auction to take place in the UK, equivalent to three quarters of the mobile spectrum that exists today. The bidding will continue over several rounds and is expected to take a number of weeks until the final winners are known. No updates on bidding activity will be provided until the conclusion of the auction to reduce any potential risk of strategic bidding which could distort the outcome of the auction. Read more...  
4. Post
a) Post & Parcel.  New research from the European Commission suggests that national regulators around Europe need to rethink how they investigate dominant postal market players for abusive pricing. Read more...
International Meetings
1. Radio Spectrum Working Group – cross border coordination: MCA representatives attended the 3rd working group meeting on cross border coordination during which the harmful interference problems caused by Italy to Malta were discussed. In this regard, actions aimed to eliminate this interference were agreed to. Furthermore, the working group finalised a report concerning a proposed spectrum coordination approach for broadcasting in the case of a reallocation of the 700 MHz band. This draft report is expected to be approved during the next RSPG plenary meeting.
1. Fixed Radio Links: The Authority received an application from Calypso Media Communications Limited (Calypso) for the grant of rights of use of radio frequencies being made available for assignment by the Authority in connection with fixed radio links. Calypso is requesting assignment of the said channel within the 7 GHz frequency band. Further to this request, the Authority intends to grant the rights of use of the following radio frequency channel:
7226 - 7233 MHz / 7380 - 7387 MHz (channel 15)
Any submissions in relation to this request for the assignment of the above mentioned frequencies for fixed radio links are to be received in writing by the Chairman of the Authority (attn. Mr. Adrian Galea, Manager - Spectrum Planning & Authorisation, spectrum@mca.org.mt) by not later than 4.00 p.m. on Thursday, 31 January 2013. If no submissions, which in the opinion of the Authority raise valid objections at law in relation to this application are received by this date, the Authority may then, in accordance with the powers granted to it by law, consider assigning the rights of use of the said frequencies directly to the above-mentioned applicant.
2. MCA Annual Plan: The Annual Plan lays out the Authority’s work programme for the period 2013 - 2015. View this plan here. (http://www.mca.org.mt/reports/mca-annual-plan-2013
3. Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015:  The Strategic Plan Update represents the MCA's strategic direction for the period 2013 - 2015.  It validates established strategic direction and factors in any new developments that are seen to have a significant impact on the plan period. View the Strategic Plan here  (http://www.mca.org.mt/consumer/reports/strategic-plan-update-2013-2015
4. Tender – Provision of market research services to the MCA: Sealed tenders shall be received before 1000hrs on Wednesday, 20th February 2013.  Interested bidders are invited to contact the Procurement Officer via e-mail on tenders@mca.org.mt or call on 2133 6840 for further information or clarifications by not later than 1200hrs on Monday, 4th February 2013. http://mca.org.mt/content/provision-market-research-services-malta-communications-authority
Information Campaigns:
1. Price Comparison Portal – www.telecosts.com: The Authority launched an intensive media campaign to promote its most recent consumer tool – the telecosts.com portal. This tool allows consumers to compare different tariff plans for mobile and fixed telephony, broadband services and bundled offers. The tools identifies the most advantageos plans based on the consumers’ individual usage patterns. To view this portal visit www.telecosts.com 
Legal Update:
1. On the 17th and 21st January,  the Administrative Review Tribunal continued to hear the appeals filed by DHL and GPL respectively. The cases have been adjourned for further evidence by the parties. 
2. On 18 January 2013, L.N. 29 of 2013 – “Maltapost p.l.c. Licence (Modification) (Amendment) Regulations” was published to reflect revisions in the prices of certain postal services provided by MaltaPost, notably, bulk mail and ordinary mail. 


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