Highlights and Activities for Weeks 27 & 28

International news
1. Telecommunications
a) telecoms.com. Technology executives at some of Scandinavia’s biggest carriers told the audience at the LTE World Summit that, while technical hurdles are easy to overcome, more complex commercial issues mean a single mobile market without roaming borders is still some years away. Read more…
b) telecoms.com. Streaming audio now accounts for 12 per cent of mobile data volume in North America, with internet radio particularly popular, according to a report issued by Citrix ByteMobile. Read more…
c) Bloomberg. With proposed deals valued at more than $11 billion, Telefonica SA (TEF) and Vodafone Group Plc (VOD) are laying down a challenge to European regulators who have a history of opposing moves that reduce competition in telecommunications. Read more…
d) Analysys Mason. The latest results from Analysys Mason's Connected Consumer Survey 2013 series, published in the new report, The Connected Consumer Survey 2013: voice and messaging, highlight a generational divide in consumers' usage of communication services. Read more…
e) telecoms.com. The European Commission has asked Germany’s telecoms regulator, BNetzA, to amend or withdraw its plans to make mobile termination rates (MTR) for operators in the country more than 80 per cent higher than most other EU member states. Read more…
f) telecoms.com. The number of global OTT mobile VoIP subscribers increased more than 550 per cent during 2012 to reach over 640 million, and is expected to approach the 1 billion mark in 2013, according to Infonetics Research. Read more…
2. Spectrum Management
a) Advanced Television. Findings from a report issued by mobile industry trade body the GSMA suggest that mobile services generate the greatest economic value of eight major applications of spectrum.  Read more…
b) Policy Tracker. With the conference scheduled for the 2nd-27th of November 2015, Europe and other regions are preparing their preliminary positions on the agenda items. Read more… (subscription is required) 
c) Policy Tracker. Neelie Kroes, the vice president of the European Commission who is responsible for the Commission's "digital agenda", has set out a template for her plans for spectrum policy in a speech at the European Parliament. Read more… (subscription is required)
3. TV & Radio Broadcasting
Advanced Television. Pay-TV revenues reached $184 billion in 2012, up by 28.5 per cent from $143 billion in 2008. Read more…
4. NGA / Broadband
a) telecoms.com. Countries with a clearly-defined national vision for broadband roll-out are significantly out-performing those with a more relaxed approach, according to a new report by the International Telecommunications Union. Read more…
b) ¬cellular-news. The European Commission and Japan have announced six research projects aiming at redefining internet architectures to increase the efficiency of networks in carrying data. Read more… 
c) Analysys Mason. Superfast broadband could reduce annual churn rates for fixed broadband by three percentage points. Read more…
5. Internet / E-Commerce
a) Europa.  The European Commission is putting into place new rules on what exactly telecoms operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should do if their customers' personal data is lost, stolen or otherwise compromised.  Read more... 
b) Europa. Cyber criminals will face tougher penalties in the EU, under new rules adopted by Parliament on Thursday. Read more…
6. Postal Services
a) Post & Parcel. Deutsche Post has broken ground on its largest parcel processing centre in Germany.  Read more…
b) Post & Parcel. MaltaPost has upgraded its delivery fleet with the addition of nine Fiat Doblo vans, eight Ford Transit Connect vans. Read more… 
International Meetings
The following is a list of meetings which the MCA participated in during the given period.
1. COCOM Plenary Meeting:  During this meeting which was held on the 10th of July 2013 and which was attended by MCA representatives, the Committee discussed the Draft Recommendation on consistent non-discrimination obligations and costing methodologies.  The aim of this new Recommendation is to promote competition and enhance the broadband investment environment. This meeting concluded the extensive consultation process between the Commission, BEREC and Member States.
2. Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC):  MCA representatives attended the 44th meeting of the Radio Spectrum Committee which was held between the 9th and 10th of July 2013. The meeting discussed spectrum policy aspects relating to Ultra-Wideband technology, Mobile Communications services onboard Aircraft, Programme Making and Special Events and 5 GHz wireless access systems. The meeting also discussed possible revisions to the EFIS  Decision (2007/344/EC) as well as follow-up activities following the adoption of Decision No. 2013/195/EU concerning the spectrum inventory.  During this RSC meeting, the RSPG working group on cross border coordination held ad-hoc discussions concerning the harmful interference problems caused by Italy to Malta’s terrestrial broadcasting sector.
3. Convergence and Economic Analysis (EWG-CEA) working group:  An MCA representative attended the EWG-CEA working group which was held on the 11th of July 2013 in Brussels.  The working group discussed BEREC’s draft consultation document on the revision of the common position on geographic aspects in market analysis, which addresses the issue of geographic segmentation in electronic communications markets.  The publication of the consultation document is envisaged for Q3 2013.
4. Benchmarking EWG Bundles Drafter:  On the 5th of July 2013, an MCA representative attended the drafters meeting regarding Revenue Bundles Allocation.  This group is responsible to analyse the allocation of bundle revenues of various NRAs.  During this meeting the group drafted a paper to present to BEREC on the difficulties and proposals that NRAs encounter when conducting such analysis. 
1. Market Review for the Postal Sector - Letter Mail Markets:  The MCA published, for national consultation, its proposed decision on the market definition of the postal sector in Malta and the consequent proposed conclusions of the market review of the letter mail markets.   The consultation period runs until the 13th of September 2013.  You may click here to view the consultation document. 
2. Reduction in Roaming Tariffs:  On the 1st of July 2013, in line with the Roaming Regulations, the cost for making a call while roaming in an EU country was reduced from 35c3 to 29c2  (inc taxes) whilst the cost for receiving a call while roaming in an EU country was reduced from €9c7 to €8c5 (inc taxes).  When roaming in an EU country sending an SMS will now cost no more than €9c7 (inc taxes) and data usage will be charged at a maximum rate of 54c7 per megabyte.  For more information on the Roaming Regulations please visit our FAQ section http://www.mca.org.mt/consumer/assistance/frequently-asked-questions.
1. 29th Electronic Communications Forum:  During the Forum, which took place on 28th of June 2013, the members were given an update on the development of the National ICT Strategy.  The forum also discussed bundling of electronic communications services in Malta.  The main EU developments taking place during the last quarter were also highlighted during this meeting.
2. 10th e-Commerce Forum:  On the 5th of July the MCA held its 10th e-Commerce Forum at the Corinthia San Gorg, St. Julians.  During this Forum the MCA presented the results of its 2nd e-Commerce Business Survey which aims to gauge the level of ICT penetration across the different business sectors/industries.  A number of case studies on online strategies adopted by local enterprises were also presented during the Forum.
3. ‘BeSmartOnline!’ holds its 1st Industry Forum:  On the 28th of July the ‘BeSmartOnline!’ consortium held its first Industry Stakeholder Forum which was chaired by the Malta Communications Authority. The Forum is part of a structured method of consultation. The objective of the Industry Stakeholders Forum is that of exploring possible ways in which various stakeholders within industry can collaborate together  to raise awareness amongst children and the general public about using the Internet safely.  For further information on the ‘BeSmartOnline!’ project please visit, www.besmartonline.org.mt
Legal Update
1. On the 1st of July 2013 MCA and DHL made their final oral submissions in the appeal lodged by DHL following MCA’s decision stating that DHL is required to have an individual licence to provide postal services within the scope of the Universal services. The case was adjourned by the Administrative Review Tribunal to the 21st October 2013 for a final decision.
2. On the 3rd of July 2013 GO continued with its cross examination of witnesses in the appeal lodged by GO following MCA’s decision finding GO as having a significant market power in Market 4.  The case was adjourned by the Administrative Review Tribunal for continuation on the 19th July 2013.
3. In the case lodged by the Lija Local Council before the First Hall of Civil Court against Melita regarding the removal/alteration of a base station, both parties advised that they are close to reaching an agreement on the matter and the case was adjourned to the 30th September 2013.
4. In the sitting on the 3rd July 2013 regarding the case Gatt et vs Maltapost et, Maltapost advised that there is a possibility of reaching an amicable settlement regarding the issue of use of the Hamrun post office premises. 

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