Highlights and Activities for Weeks 23 & 24

International Activities

  1. RSPG 28th Plenary Meeting: MCA representatives recently attended this meeting during which the preliminary issues on the future of 700 MHz band were discussed. The Group also discussed the progress report of its first working group, dealing with the development of wireless broadband and the project specifications of the working items in the 2012 work programme where priority was given during the last Plenary. It is anticipated that the corresponding working groups should soon commence work in this regard. 
  2. COCOM – Working Group on the Implementation of the Framework for Pan-European Systems Providing Mobile Satellite Services:  MCA participated in the 10th Meeting of this working group held on 8 June 2012. The purpose of this working group is to facilitate and coordinate, as far as necessary, the MSS authorisation, monitoring and enforcement action at national level as well as to provide a forum for discussions with the selected MSS operators.
MCA Publications
  1. Pricing of postal redirection by MaltaPost Plc – responses to consultation & decision notice: This decision approves the revised tariff structure proposed by MaltaPost plc for postal redirection services.  This decision follows a public consultation process that was initiated on 23rd May 2012. 

    The following table outlines the previous rates and the new rates to be applied following this decision.
    Previous RatesRates approved by this Decision

    Inland Mail / Outbound Cross Border Mail:

    • €4.66 for normal redirections;
    • €23.29 when the redirection is to a Post Office Box/Branch.

    General mail addresses:

    - Individuals, NGOs, Not-for-Profit Organisations:

    • Free for the first 6 months;
    • €5 for th second 6 months.

    General mail addresses to local addresses:

    - Buisnesses and other Entities:

    • €10 for the first 12 months

MaltaPost had proposed that the company should enjoy freedom to price and operate all other redirection requests. After taking into consideration the responses received following the consultation process, the MCA concluded that other redirection services shall continue to be provided as part of the universal service, but the prices to be charged by MaltaPost for such other redirection services shall be as established by MaltaPost from time to time. 

In its assessment, the MCA recognised that postal redirection services are primarily intended as an interim solution to customers’ relocation needs, and that multiple-tier prices should be sufficient to screen users genuinely using the service as a temporary solution for relocation purposes. It also considered the costs involved in providing the service and the impact on postal operations. In order to ensure that users of the service are protected from sudden changes to the prices of redirection services, the MCA has required that new tariffs be introduced after 30 days from when such tariffs are published by MaltaPost. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/article/pricing-postal-redirection-services-provided-maltapost-plc-responses-consultation-and

  1. Key market indicators for electronic communications and post: Q1 2005 to Q1 2012: The purpose of this publication is to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta concerning electronic communications and post. The report sheet lists a number of indicators for the aforementioned areas, with data presented on a quarterly basis. (SEE. http://www.mca.org.mt/article/key-market-indicators-electronic-communications-and-post-q1-2005-q1-2012)
  2. Review of the Wholesale Broadband Access Markets - Consultation (MCA/C/12-0898): The MCA published its proposed decision on the wholesale broadband access markets, in accordance with the EU regulatory framework of electronic communications networks and services. The consultation period shall run from the 15th June 2012 till the 3rd September 2012. (see. http://www.mca.org.mt/consultation/review-wholesale-broadband-access-markets-consultation-mcac12-0898)
Corporate activities & participation in local Fora
  1. Meeting with Italian Administration: The MCA hosted a meeting at its offices, with Italian representatives from AGCOM, MCA’s counterpart in Italy and the Italian Ministry responsible for Communications  regarding frequency interference caused by Italian broadcasting transmissions. 
  2. Participation in COMNET-IT ‘Legal Frameworks for ICT’ training: COMNET is an independent Foundation whose mission is to help realise the transformational potential of ICT for development, amongst Commonwealth and other developing countries. Established in the mid 90's, COMNET is a joint initiative of the Maltese Government and the Commonwealth Secretariat. COMNET has a strong commitment to training which is vital to supporting other initiatives such as assisting the development of ICT policies and structures at national level. Training is provided to middle and upper-level management within governments, industry practitioners and others engaged in public-private ICT activities in Commonwealth member countries. The Connects Programme is a vehicle for technology and knowledge transfer in areas such as eGovernment Services, Telecommunication Regulation and related activities having a bearing on national, social and economic development. The MCA contributed to this training by an insight to delegates on the legal structure in Malta with regard to telecommunications, the corporate set up of the organisation and its modus operandi, the current state of affairs in the local telecoms markets and the MCA’s work with regard to spectrum management. 


Litigation and other legal updates

  1. The hearing of appeals cases are currently at a standstill until the members of the new tribunal are appointed.
  2. In a case between Victor Gatt et vs. The Attorney General, the MCA was formally suited as defendant in these proceedings. MCA was given 20 days to submit its response. 


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