Highlights and Activities for Weeks 21 & 22


International Activities

1. RSPG Working Group: The Chief of Spectrum Management and Technology attended the 2nd meeting of the working group set up to draw up the RSPG opinion on future demand for spectrum for wireless broadband. During this meeting, the representatives from countries that contributed to the draft opinion, namely France, the Netherlands and the UK, went over their contribution. France provided input into the evolution of spectrum needs for broadcasting and the implications of a transition to new technologies. The Netherlands submitted a draft paper capturing a definition of wireless broadband and current trends in the sector, whilst the UK submitted input on the regulatory issues that were potentially leading to some spectrum not being used.   It was decided that a section on consumer trends be included.


2. BEREC: The Chairman and the Chief of External Relations attended the 11th BEREC Board of Plenary meeting on 24 and 25 May 2012. The meeting dedicated substantive time to discussions on net neutrality and adopted three documents for public consultation covering net neutrality and competition, quality of service and IP interconnection.  Furthermore it adopted a report on its investigation of traffic management practices.  In addition, the meeting discussed the operation of the Phase II procedure with respect to Article 7 notifications, BEREC’s strategic development and the adoption of the third International Roaming Regulation. The meeting also adopted a Report on the Competitive Effects of NGA Co-investments and BEREC’s Annual Report 2011.



  1. Press Launch of Networked Society and Networked Enterprise Strategies:  Launched during a press conference attended by the Hon. Dr. Austin Gatt, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications, these strategies set out the Authority’s vision and a three year programme of initiatives to sustain wider ICT adoption and use within society and amongst enterprises. (See http://www.mca.org.mt/article/two-strategies-advance-ict-usage-society-and-enterprise)


MCA Publications

  1. Consultation on wholesale access and call origination on mobile networks:  This consultation outlines a proposed decision on the wholesale mobile access and call origination market, in accordance with the EU regulatory framework of electronic communications networks and services. The consultation period shall run from the 21st May 2012 till the 22nd June 2012. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/consultation/mca-consultation-wholesale-access-and-call-origination-mobile-networks-mcac12-0869)
  1. Consultation on pricing of postal redirection services:  The postal redirection service allows an addressee who has moved to a new address to continue receiving mail, bearing the previous address, for a period of time.  MaltaPost plc, as the designated Universal Service Provider, is required to provide redirection services as part of its universal service obligation.  MaltaPost has submitted a proposal for a revised tariff structure for such services. This Consultation and Proposed Decision gives further details of the changes to the pricing of postal redirection services, the MCA’s assessment thereof and the MCA’s proposed decision.  (see http://www.mca.org.mt/consultation/pricing-postal-redirection-services-provided-consultation-and-proposed-decision-may)


  1. Regulatory decision following Melita’s circular to subscribers entitled ‘Switch off printed bills – Less Paper with mymelita’:  Further to Melita's change to its 'My Melita' subscribers' bill delivery method, the MCA issued this decision against Melita on the grounds that it was not notified of such changes in advance and furthermore, Melita did not fully implement the MCA's decision on modifications to the terms and conditions of subscriber contracts. (see http://www.mca.org.mt/article/regulatory-action-taken-following-melitas-circular-its-subscribers-entitled-%E2%80%9Cswitch-printed)


  1. Annual Report and Financial Statements 2011: This report includes a detailed market overview which analyses developments in the Maltese communications sector during 2011. It also reports on the activities of the Authority during the year as well as the outputs and outcomes of these activities. We have also included a section which highlights innovative regulatory models adopted by the Authority which have been identified as best practice models amongst counterpart regulators. The report is also available in an interactive version at www.mca.org.mt/annualreports.



Litigation and other legal updates

  1. An on-site inspection was conducted at the Lija Local Council as a result of a pending lawsuit before the First Hall of the Civil Court between the Lija Local Council et vs Melita plc et. The purpose was to enable the court appointed architect to take on-site measurements of the antenna and to determine to what extent, if at all, the height of the antenna can be extended. A separate court sitting on this case was held later in the week. The case remains adjourned for further evidence.
  2. A sitting in the Global Parcels Limited vs MCA appeals was held before the Communications Appeals Board where appellants continued with their cross-examination of MCA officials.
  3. As from 1st June 2012, appeals against regulatory decisions taken by the MCA will be heard and determined by the Administrative Review Tribunal. The Communications Appeals Board will remain responsible for deciding those appeals currently pending for a decision before that Board.
  4. Two Legal Notices LN 193 and LN 194 were made and published in the Government Gazette [29th May 2012] amending the General Authorisations (Radiocommunications Apparatus) Regulations and the Fees (Radiocommunications) Regulations respectively.



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