Highlights and activities for Weeks 17 & 18

International Updates

a) Policy Tracker.  The domino theory was very popular in its day. Much cited by US policymakers between the 1950s and 80s, it speculated that if one state fell under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would inevitably follow in a “domino effect”. [read more]

b) Policy Tracker.  The German regulator plans to take back some of the spectrum owned by a combined Telefónica/E-Plus and put it to auction. [read moresubscription needed]

c) Policy Tracker.  Researchers have identified over 30 GHz of spectrum in the EHF bands that should be studied for use by future '5G' technology. [read more – subscription needed]

d) Advanced Television. A plan to enable the UK to meet the growing demands placed on its wireless infrastructure over the next decade has been published by Ofcom. [read more]


a) European Commission.  On behalf of the European Commission, Vice-President Neelie Kroes welcomes the outcome of the NETmundial conference on Internet Governance in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Speaking on her return, Neelie Kroes said: "Netmundial has put us on the right track. The concluding declaration adopted by acclamation proves that a global multistakeholder approach can produce concrete outcomes. [read more]

b) Financial Times. The Financial Times argues why net neutrality no longer works and why the FCC’s decision on net neutrality is the right one. [read more]

Information Technology

a) Telecoms.com.  A study published this week has claimed that 99 per cent of mobile security threats that emerged in the first quarter of the year were targeted towards the Android platform. [read more]


a) Post & Parcel.  The Universal Postal Union’s member countries have demanded the organisation speed up its work to improve the flow of e-commerce through the global postal system. The issue is seen as… [read more]


a) EurActiv. Europe is slowly emerging from one of the worst financial and economic crises in decades. A new report shows that digitisation efforts by the EU could not only revamp the economy, but could reunite Europe too, writes Beñat Bilbao. [read more]


International Meetings

1.BEREC MEETING: Our Market Analyst attended a full EWG meeting on the draft recommendation on relevant markets in Brussels on the 28th April 2014.

2.ICT for All Basics: Our Project Co-ordinator represented the MCA at  this workshop on Curriculum and Learning Resources held in Paris on the 29th April 2014.

3.ERGP: The ERGP meeting on the European cross-border e-commerce parcels delivery was held in Bonn,Germany on the 28th April 2014. Our Market Analyst represented the MCA at this meeting.



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Legal Update

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