Highlights and Activities for weeks 15 & 16

International News
a) BEREC. BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7a of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC: Case DE/2013/1424 Wholesale voice call termination on individual mobile networks (market 7) in Germany.  Read more… 
Read also analytical article prepared by Cullen International (subscription is required)
Spectrum Management
a) Advanced Television.  Italy’s Communications Authority (AgCom) has unanimously approved the final version of the regulations for the DTT frequency auction.   Read more…
b) IRIS. Court of Justice of the European Union: Live Streaming of TV Programmes Constitutes a Communication to the Public. Read more…
NGA / Broadband
a) TeleGeography.  New data from TeleGeography’s Global Bandwidth Research Service reveal that demand for international bandwidth grew 39% in 2012, and at a compounded annual rate of 53% between 2007 and 2012.  Read more…
b) Bloomberg.  Deutsche Telekom AG (DTE) won permission to offer speedier Web access in most urban areas on existing copper lines, giving it a…  Read more…
c) telecoms.com.  Spanish operator group Telefónica has completed a field trial of “flexible optical networking” technology, that it hopes could more than ...  Read more…
Internet / eCommerce
a) Cullen International.  An event at the EP on e-identification and trust services showed that privacy and open standards are key for the development of these services. Representatives from ICT trust vendors, certification authorities, authentication research projects and open standards proponents spoke at the event. Read more... (subscription is required)
Postal Services
a) Cullen International.  Interim study results highlight main challenges for the letter market and the opportunities generated by e-commerce.  Read more… (subscription is required)
International Meetings
1. One of our senior technical specialists attended a meeting with BnetZa, our German counterparts on the methodology adopted by the said Authority on the development of the infrastructure Atlas. 
2. BeSmartOnline 2! Group meeting: The BeSmartOnline! Project Coordinator attended a group meeting in Brussels organized by Insafe and INHOPE  during which other European project leaders discussed the proposal to be submitted, which is currently under consideration, for the Connecting Europe Facility.
3. Postal Directive Committee: The Manager on Policy and Strategy attended this meeting held in Brussels. 
4. Mastering European Telecommunications Regulation: The Authority’s compliance officer attending specialized training in Brussels on the regulation of electronic communications. 
5. 6th ECC WG NAN meeting: Our Regulatory Analyst attended the 6th meeting of the Electronic Communications Committee Working Group on Naming and Numbering during which a number of numbering related issues and the outcomes of sister project teams were discussed. 
1. Digital Angles Prize Presentation: Six children and ageing individuals were presented with a prize after participating in the Digital Angels scheme - another initiative organised by the MCA with the aim of bridging the digital divide between generations. The Hon. Dr. Edward Zammit Lewis, Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth, the Authority’s Acting Director General Mr. Ian Agius together with representatives from all the sponsors presented the prizes. The MCA takes this opportunity to thank GO plc., Melita plc, Microsoft (Malta), Smart Technologies Ltd. and Vodafone (Malta) Ltd. for their continued support and generosity. For more information on this event following this link. http://www.mca.org.mt/notices-and-announcements/connecting-generations-through-online-activity
2. Support given to Bike Marathon organisers: The MCA supported this cause, which aims to raise funds for the Ursoline Sisters, who care for children in need. The BeSmartOnline! team was present during the event to share resources and information. The event activities generated €72,500 for this cause. 
1. Communications Market Review Report: This publication is intended to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta for electronic communications and post. The review lists a good number of indicators for the aforementioned areas and provides a brief description of observed developments. Data is presented on a quarterly basis. Click the following link for access to the report. http://www.mca.org.mt/reports/communications-market-review-july-december-2012 
Legal Update
1. The Administrative Review Tribunal continued to hear two appeals filed by Melita. One case relates to a contestation by Melita on the MCA’s decision following the market analysis on retail fixed telephone access. This case is now pending for the Tribunal’s final decision.  With regard to the second case, Melita presented its submissions in relation to a fine imposed by MCA on Melita for failure to notify the MCA of the  discontinuation of the National Geographic channel.
2. The MCA applied to the Competition and Consumer Appeals Tribunal to ask to intervene in an appeal lodged by Melita plc contesting a compliance order issued by MCCAA, which order was issued at the request of MCA. The purpose of the compliance order was to regulate the use of the term unlimited in marketing undertaken by Melita as this may in some instances be misleading. The Tribunal upheld MCA’s request to intervene.  The case has been case adjourned for cross-exam of Melita witnesses and continuation of presentation of evidence by Melita.

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