Highlights and activities for Weeks 1 & 2


Highlights and activities for Weeks 1 & 2 (01.01.13 – 11.01.13)

International news

This is a new section we are introducing to provide a summary of international news on market regulation, pan-European network, network security, costing methodologies, state-aid rules for broadband, DTT, net neutrality, online trust services, consumer contracts, and consolidated shipping amongst other interesting topics. We hope you find it useful. Hereunder is th

  1. Telecommunications:
    1. (9 Jan 2013) EurActiv.  Europe's top telecommunication companies are discussing the creation of a pan-European infrastructure network to unite the region's disjointed national markets, according to a newspaper report on Wednesday (9 January). Read more...
    2. (8 Jan 2013) Cullen International.  OPTA, the Dutch regulator, decided to regulate access to business fibre for both wholesale physical network infrastructure access (market 4/2007) and wholesale broadband access (WBA) (market 5/2007). Read more (subscription needed)...
    3. (7 Jan 2013) total telecom. Fitch predicts Cablecos will see revenue and EBITDA growth in 2013 while incumbents continue to record declines; 2014 promises slight uptick.  Read more...
  1. Broadband / NGA
    1. (9 Jan 2013) EuroPolitics.  Ireland announced, on 9 January, at the start of its Presidency of the EU, the launch of a pan-European research project, which it believes will be “revolutionary,” optimising optical fibre performance and further extending very high-speed...  Read more (subscription needed)...
  1. Spectrum
    1. (9 Jan 2013) Advanced Television. The Italian government has suspended a planned DTT frequency auction, in the wake of protests  from neighbouring Malta and Croatia who expressed concerned about possible interference from Italy with TV reception in their markets. Read more...
  1. Consumer
    1. (3 Jan 2013) Ofcom.  Ofcom sets out proposals to tackle mid-contract price rises - ‘Exit without penalty’ rule proposed to better protect consumers. Of the options put forward, Ofcom’s proposed approach is to intervene to allow consumers to exit their contract without penalty if their provider introduces any price increase during the term of the contract. Alongside this, Ofcom would expect providers to be clear and upfront about the potential for price increases and of the consumer’s right to cancel the contract in the event of any price increase. Read more...
  1. Post
    1. (4 Jan 2013) Post & Parcel.  Online retail marketplace eBay UK says it is looking to provide its sellers with access to preferential shipping rates and a new cross-border shipping service later this year.  Read more...


1.       Tender for the provision of market research services to the MCA: Sealed tenders shall be received before 10,00hrs on Wednesday, 20th February 2013. Interested bidders are invited to contact the Procurement Officer via e-mail on tenders@mca.org.mt or call on 2133 6840 for further information or clarifications by not later than 1200hrs on Monday, 4th February 2013. View tender here...




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