GO plc submits to the MCA a funding claim for providing universal services during 2010.

The MCA received from GO plc an application for funding of unfair burden it claims to have experienced during 2010 in fulfilling its obligations as the operator designated to provide a number of universal service obligations on electronic communications services. These obligations include, the provision of access at a fixed location, directory enquiry services and directories, public payphones, specific measures for disabled users, reduced tariff options for users, and ensuring that users can control expenditure.In line with the conditions established in its Decision on Universal Service Obligations published in April 2010, the Authority shall be conducting a detailed review of the information provided. Following this review, if it transpires that an element of unfair burden has actually been experienced by GO plc, the MCA shall then establish the source of such funding depending on the universal service concerned. The evidence provided with the application for funding is required to include a consideration of the net costs after taking into account any market benefit GO plc accrued from providing the universal service. The Authority shall follow the requirements when verifying these net costs as set in the Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) Regulations. Malta Communications Authority7 March 2011

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