Further clarifications to the submissions for the assignment requests of the 800 MHz spectrum

Following the Call for Expression of Interest for the Assignment of Spectrum in the 800 MHz band ( MCA/O/16-2662),  the MCA is hereby inviting authorised Electronic Communications Networks and/or Service providers to indicate any market demand for spectrum in the 1800 MHz and the 2.5 GHz bands. Such a Call for Expression of Interest in the afore mentioned bands is in line with the MCA Decision  MCA/D/14-1933, which outlines the assignment methodology and licence conditions for the bands in question. Interested parties are invited to express their interest by submitting to the MCA the duly filled in Application Form – “Formal Request for Spectrum Assignment for the Provision of Electronic Communications Networks and/or Services (MCA/F/12-0756/R.1)” which can be found on the Authority’s website by not later than 16:00 hrs on the 16th November 2016.

Further to the formal request lodged with the MCA as well as to the submissions received for the Call for Expressions of Interest for the assignment of spectrum in the 800 MHz band, the MCA is seeking further clarifications on the spectrum assignment requests indicated in the relevant forms as submitted by the interested candidates. The 800 MHz band is subdivided into six (6) separate lots of 5MHz bandwidth each. However, due to the distinct power limits across the channels in the band, Decision (MCA/D/14-1933) divides the total number of lots into two distinct lot categories. For ease of reference, the lot categories are being identified as the “Low Power Lot Category” and the “High Power Lot Category”. The Low Power Lot Category includes Channel 1 with the in-block EIRP set at 56dBm/5 MHz whilst the High Power Lot Category includes Channels 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 with the in-block EIRP set at 60dBm/5 MHz.

In view of the above, the MCA is therefore requesting those candidates who have submitted a formal application or an Expression of Interest in order to acquire spectrum in the 800 MHz band to re-confirm the request made in their initial submission, clearly indicating the Lot categories in which the indicated preferred channels reside. Failure by a candidate to submit the clarifications as being requested by 16:00 hrs on the 16th November 2016, will be considered as if the candidate is withdrawing its request for the assignment of such spectrum. The MCA would like to note that a spectrum cap of 2 Lots per operator holds and that failure by a single operator to express interest in acquiring spectrum from the Low Power Lot Category will potentially lead to the assignment of the 800 MHz spectrum via a competitive mechanism through an auction process. Considering the unique scenario presented by the 800 MHz band where an auction mechanism will result in a competitive assignment process both for channels in the high power lot category as well as for channels in the low power lot category and taking due note that, independently from the different technical characteristics, the six channels available in this band could potentially satisfy spectrum demand, the MCA is hereby inviting all the interested parties who have shown interest in acquiring such spectrum to consider the option of, following the qualification process, directly adopting the granting mechanism based on a lottery in order to facilitate the complexities, costs and delays inherent in the auction mechanism.

This announcement supersedes any prior announcement that the MCA has issued in relation to the  “Assignment of the 800 MHz band – Submissions to the Call for Expression of Interest” as published on its website on the 4th October 2016. 

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