Delivering the Digital Revolution: Will mobile infrastructure keep up with the rising demand?

If there is no investment in enhancing the infrastructure then all mobile broadband development can be stalled. This is the essence of a GSMA report, published towards the end of February, focusing on whether mobile infrastructure will sustain the ongoing growth of mobile broadband.

The mobile industry has become crucial for economic sustainability and for this reason, the mobile network has expanded rapidly, especially where industries that depend on mobile infrastructure have flourished. This is also because new applications and technological advancements are based on this network.

There are a number of key enablers that sustain the development of mobile broadband especially with the growth of IoTs and other services, but there is one crucial element that must be addressed for sustainable development - the infrastructure. Whilst the focus is currently already on 5G capabilities and further expansion to accommodate this technology, mobile operators have still to develop 4G network capability.

The report by GSMA tackles various aspects such as: the regulatory outlook on how the regulator and operators can work in synch to deploy faster and affordable technology that further sustains the mobile industry; as well as the significant developments and constraints in the major cities and the urban areas, where there is room for development.

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