Crucial Crowdfunding Platform Launched Today

A consortium comprising representatives from seven organisations from Malta, Ireland, Spain, Estonia, Greece, United Kingdom and Czech Republic is pleased to announce the launch of the Crucial Crowdfunding portal - and the eBook, in support of innovative funding ventures.

‘Crucial Crowdfunding’ is an ERASMUS+ supported project, and is designed as an information platform for a wide stakeholder base ranging from entrepreneurs and SMEs to startups and social enterprises or even those individuals seeking investment opportunities.

Furthermore, support agencies, such as Innovation Centres, cluster managers, and organizations, both public and private, looking to support business and economic development, whether its local, regional or national, will be able learn more about how to use and promote crowdfunding.

This project is another step forward toward the European Commission range of facilitative actions to improve SME’s access to finance and accelerate awareness-raising on crowdfunding platforms.

During the press conference held this morning, Mr. Anthony Gatt, the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry for Competitiveness and Digital, Maritime and Services Economy, emphasised the importance of crowdfunding in the start-up ecosystem as an alternative method of raising funds for the private sector. ‘Providing access to affordable finance and funding young and innovative firms is central to job creation and economic growth. Crowdfunding is primarily driven by the proliferation of social media, the Internet and new technologies, and these are disrupting entire value chains and changing the rules of the marketplace. Malta has been making steady progress in its digital economy and now ranks 12th out of the 28 EU member states, moving up one place since 2015,’ said Mr. Gatt. ‘By driving the concept of crowdfunding, and continue every effort to facilitate access to finance, we are one step closer to improving Malta’s position in the coming years,’ concluded Mr. Gatt. 

The project partners are Mullingar Employment Action Group from Ireland, Youth in Science and Business Foundation from Estonia, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development from Greece, RLN from UK, GLAFKA from Czech Republic, DRAMBLYS (Social Creativity Lab) from Spain and the Malta Communications Authority.

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