Call for Applications for the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands (MCA/10/52/O) UPDATED 05.01.11

The MCA has today issued a Call for Applications leading to access to rights of use of radio frequencies in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands in Malta.

The MCA invites applications from undertakings who wish to obtain access to rights of use of radio frequencies in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands in the Maltese territory.

Since the early 1990s these bands were earmarked at an international level for the provision of mobile communication systems, with the GSM standard being undisputedly the most popular technology deployed in these bands. Over the years, numerous technological developments have given mobile operators the possibility to offer, over the said bands, not only voice and data services, but also innovative multimedia services such as video streaming.

Currently three licences are assigned in these bands to authorised undertakings. These rights of use are due to expire in 2011.

In February 2009, the MCA, cognisant of the significant impact that these technological developments and the upcoming licence expiry would have on the local industry, published a consultation paper outlining a proposed methodology for the reassignment of spectrum in these bands together with the proposed applicable licence conditions.

Following consideration of the various responses received, a document entitled 'The Future of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz Bands - MCA Decision on the Assignment Methodology and Licence Conditions' was published by the Authority in July 2010.

The MCA is now inviting applications for spectrum in these bands.

The deadline for application is 10:00 hrs CET on Friday 14th January 2011. Any queries related to this Call for Applications should be sent on by not later than 4th January 2011. 

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