Assignment process – Additional spectrum for wireless broadband

Following receipt of the applications from Vodafone, GO and Melita in response to the Call for Applications MCA/O/18-3061, the MCA is at the moment performing a qualification analysis for the submissions received.

Whilst Vodafone, GO and Melita are already holders of radio spectrum licences and already provide services in the local electronic telecommunications industry, the MCA will be evaluating the received submissions against the qualification criteria as established in the Call for Applications. Radio Spectrum is an essential resource which allows telecommunications to take place. However, radio spectrum is also a finite asset. Consequently, it is imperative that the MCA evaluates thoroughly the submissions received in order to ensure the efficient and effective use of such a finite resource.

The MCA will be finalising the qualification process in the coming weeks. Subsequently, it will proceed with the assignment process leading to the designation of the specific radio channels together with the issuing of the respective spectrum licences to the qualified candidates accordingly.

The additional spectrum for wireless broadband will complement the mobile service providers’ roll-out of their next generation mobile networks capable of supporting higher user demands while attaining mobile broadband speeds which are not possible with their current spectrum holdings. In addition to sustaining increases in demand and faster mobile broadband speeds, the allocation of additional spectrum will eventually lead to lower prices, greater innovation, new investment and better coverage for the local mobile service industry.

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